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the rest of the week had been uneventful for koto and the vampires. he and hoshi were a bit paranoid for awhile after his run in with the possible vampire, but they decided to just let it be and stop thinking about it. they didn't get involved in the matters of the other servamps, so their policy was to ignore anything involving it.

the human teen knew enough of hoshi's history to not be ignorant to the situation, though. he knew that she was the ninth servamp, only created as an afterthought by her "father" after he'd made the servamp of melancholy. the other seven servamps were named after the seven deadly sins, and they had no idea she even existed, so it wasn't like they were in any danger or anything.

but they kept their heads down, anyways. there was that one "neutral party" called c3 that tried to keep the servamps and their subclasses in check, and hoshi didn't want any of them getting involved with the group. she'd said that as long as melancholy never mentioned her existence to them, then they were in the clear.

so, after convincing himself not to worry about the possibility of other servamps or subclasses being nearby, koto stuck to his normal, boring life. he went to his jobs, worked, and hung out with his little family. his grandparents called or texted him every other day, but it wasn't unusual for that.

it wasn't until ryuu came running into the apartment one afternoon, on one of koto's only afternoons off, that the quiet life they'd all been living was finally disrupted.

"there's other vampires in the city!"

the exclamation is followed up by stunned silence, the redhead looking at the other three with wide, panicked eyes.

"...what?" hoshi finally says something, cutting through the tension hanging in the air.

"i was walking on my way home after finishing up at work, and i heard muffled screaming from an alley! i initially thought someone was getting mugged or something, but then i saw this guy in there, and, and he was holding onto someone with his face in their neck. the air smelled like blood, and i got away as soon as possible when i saw his eyes, and i immediately ran to tell-"

"okay, we get it, now shut up," damien snaps, no actual aggression behind his words as he sends a worried look to the red haired servamp.

koto had stopped cooking to listen as ryuu spoke, his eyebrows furrowed as the new information sunk in.

"hoshi? do we need to-"

"we're not packing up and leaving, if that's what you were going to ask, damien," the girl cuts him off, a stern expression on her normally soft features. the blond tenses at her tone, nodding sullenly after his suggestion was shut down.

"wouldn't that be the best thing to do, though? not to agree with him or anything, but it seems like the best idea if we don't want to run into other vampires," ryuu adds in confusion, but he freezes up when the servamp sends him a glare.

"we aren't doing that. i'm not going to pack up and move, and do that to koto. we may not have much here, but this is how he wants to live, and we're not just going to leave at the slightest sighting of a vampire. no offense, ryuu." she shares a look with her eve, taking a deep breath and letting it out in a long sigh.

"so... what are we going to do?"

silence ensues once more among the four, all of them thinking about the precautions they could take to avoid any other vampires that might be in the area.

"what did the vampire look like?" koto pipes up, voice clear but quiet. ryuu turns to him, sending an uneasy look to hoshi, but ultimately deciding to answer.

"uh, i think he had pink hair? maybe? he was tall, wearing all white, and i think he had a top hat or something. why do other vampires dress so weirdly? it's like they're trying to stick out and get outed or something," he rambles, drawing small smiles from the others. leave it to ryuu to unintentionally lighten up the room by saying something stupid.

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