Not like other girls

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my name is Rob Jetten, and I'm just a normal adult man. well... I wouldn't say normal... I don't like boybands like 1D and 5SOS like normal adult men. no, I like politics.

"ROBBB!!!" my mother yells from downstairs. "GET YOUR STUPID ASS OVER HERE!!" I sigh. my mother doesn't understand me. no one does! I get out of bed and put on my three-piece suit, and tie my brown leather shoes. "I'm coming, mom!" I yell.

"Finally!" she says loudly, "I don't want you anymore, I don't have time for you while I'm drinking and doing cocaine, that's why I sold you to the dutch mafia, they are coming today so get your stuff!!'' she slaps me in the face. 

(A/N: I bet you guys already know what's coming lolol)

Angrily i walk up the stairs. its not like I didn't expect this. ever since my father left me to date another woman. she has been really upset. and I'm the only one near for her to take her anger out on.

I slam open the door of my room. Unlike normal girls, my room isn't filled with posters of popstars and soft colors. my room is a light grey office, and my walls full of bookcases filled with books on political theory. yeah... you could call me pretty quirky. that's why I get bullied at my school.

I grab a dark blue backpack out of my closet. and stuff it with all my clothes, but not to wrinkle the expensive fabric. I grab my iPod and take a quick look at the songs downloaded on it. it's filled with music by unpopular artists like ABBA and Taylor Swift. 

My mom shouts again: "THEYRE HERE ROB, GET DOWN NOW!!1!" I don't know why she screams so much. but I guess it isn't my problem anymore. 

slowly i walk down the stairs again. "WELL??" she looks angry "im not going to open the door. that's your job." i look at her angry but open the front door. 

There are two tall frowning men in dark suits standing in the opening. my mother pushes me to the side and holds her hands up for her payment for selling me. I see how one of the men puts 5 bottles of Heineken beer in my mother's hands before the other roughly grabs my arm and takes me away. She looks happy to be rid of me.

The man shoves me into the back of their black car and goes to sit in the front. we wait for the other man to get in the drivers seat and ride away.

After 15 minutes of listening to the radio, I finally dare to speak: "Who are you? What do you want with me?" 

The tall man in the passengers seat looks at me: "I'm Sjoerd Sjoerdsma, and this is is Wopke Hoekstra, and you belong to us now." 

"but I-" 

"Silence, you don't get to speak anymore."

The rest of the ride is pretty boring. I can only think about what my future will look like now that I belong to the Mafia. will they make me kill people? will they kill me?! or even worse: scam the elderly with fake vaccines? i can only hope for the best.

We finally arrive at a large white modern building with a large garden and two big fountains. the car stops and the man, now known as Sjoerd Sjoerdsma drags me out. 

"Welcome to your new house Rob Jetten." 

(A/N: WOW FIRST CHAPTER DONE XD... I promise I can write better than this please believe me, please...)

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