6.Let's Play Rich Man-Poor Man!

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Third Person (pov)

The school cultural festival was coming soon and the class was trying to find a theme for this year. Y/n wasn't paying that much attention since she had no idea of what to contribute with. What she didn't notice was that Kyo was watching her. The girl was impatiently tapping her foot on the floor. She was really not trying to get called on. Y/n was a little shy when it came to all the students talking to her. The crow plus anima sighs out of boredom. Yuki then decided to make a rice ball themed festival. And Tohru gave a good idea to have three rice balls one that has a special filling that can surprise anyone with the flavor. Arisa had a metal pipe to scare the people who thought Tohru's idea was stupid. Y/n now payed attention to the ideas and got interested for Kyo's since it was to far fetched.

"I say we should do rice ball battles" the orange haired boy stated. "Brutal head to head combat matches" He clenches his fist while throwing a punch to his left hand.

"That kinda sounds entertaining but it's to much violence. Like I get the enthusiasm but who the heck wants to battle for food." The e/c eyed girl looked at how the idea quickly got rejected. Yuki's idea wasn't reject because it was simple. Kyo got mad about them accepting the idea instead of his.

"Sorry Kyon-Kyon but your idea was a little weird" The brunette boy pats his head while Kyo gets pissed.

"Don't call me Kyon-Kyon! Kyo shouts while a girl points out that a lot of cats got into the classroom.
"That's it I am out of here!" He breaks down the door while leaving.

Y/n gets worried while looking out the door. Hanajima states that it was strange to see that. But then Arisa says that Hanajima is more strange. But then the black haired girl looks at Y/n, stating that she was far more strange sometimes. The girl giggles nervously while listening to her friends state that Kyo was far more different than Yuki. The crow plus anima decides to check on Kyo realizing that since he likes high places he may be on the school rooftop.

"You are here! I see you really love
high places!" Y/n climbs the ladder while Kyo gets startled. When she gets on the rooftoop two cats jump onto the girl meowing and purring. The oranged haired boy looks at her surprised. The girl gets up with the two cats in her arms. "These cats seems to love you. They are really drawn by you." She smiles warmly at him while he looks away.

"It's not like I encourage them they just follow me because of my zodiac animal. It happens to all the members of the zodiac curse" The boy looks at her while she starts to pet a cat in the head.

"You must not get lonely then" The h/c haired girl gets licked by a cat and she giggles. The boy looks at her amazed and looks away nervously.

"It's not a good thing!" He shouts while he softens his features. "So why are you here?" Kyo asks puzzled and Y/n looks at him with a small smile.

"Well I was worried so I came to see how you were doing. Aren't you going to help out in the festival?" She asks while sitting next to him and putting the cat down while Kyo sighs.

"They don't need me they will be alright as long as Yuki is in there. His always been so smart and capable. So good with people everbody automatically respects his talents. I trust him, I am the one that started studying martial arts first you know. And now he is better at it that I am." Y/n looks at him understanding the situation.

"It pisses me off, I can't magically act more like him but I would if I could" He states while looking away from her.


"Let's play rich man-poor man!" Tohru exclaims while Y/n looks up surprised. She was really bored out of her mind and decided to play with them.

"No go and bother Yuki I don't wanna play" Kyo tells the brunette.

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