new information

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• the next day •

   "So how's your stay been?" I co worker I'm slightly close with asks me. "It's been great, I thought I'd be busy to death but it's quite fun." I said. I continue observing some marine creatures until someone tap on my shoulder.

   I look back to see Lucas again. I'm starting to think Lucas is eyeing on me. He might think I'm a little suspicious.

   "Oh, hi Lucas." I said. "Hey, watcha doin?" He asks. "Just checking these out, nothin' much. What about you?" "I wanted to show you something. It'll only take a few minutes, I promise" He said. He then dragged me aside near the water.

   He showed me a phone looking remote. "What's this?" I asked. "Check this out." He pressed a button and starts talking to the remote. "Darwin, are you there?" He said.

   Darwin popped out of the water. "Over here Lucas." He said. I jumped a little bit. "Whoa! How'd you do that?" I asked, I was very impressed. He explained to me what he did to make Darwin speak. "Impressive." I started to get invested in his invention.

   "Y/n? You need to get back to work!" Someone yells from afar. "Sorry, gotta get to work again. This was cool though." I said and ran back to my work spot. He is very smart.

• break time •

   It was break and I can finally go on my laptop. I was a good mechanic too and one of seaquests' main memory card was messed up. The captain told me to fix it so I did, sort of.

   I connected the card to my computer and copied the information that we needed. I hope I will have enough to show my father once I can get back home.

   While copying the info, a there was a knock on the door. I started to panic, I couldn't close the computer. I just put a sheet over it.

   "Y/n?" They said, sounded like Lucas. "Yeah just a minute!" I said while putting the sheet over the laptop.

   I opened the door. "Hey what's up?" I said a little nervously. "You okay?" He asked. "Never better, why?" "Nothing. Look we're all playing some card games. You wanna join?" He asked.

   I thought about it. "Uhh yeah, wait- no. I don't know." I hesitated. "Those are the 3 options." He said. "Yeah sorry, umm. I can't right now I guess. I got something to do." I said. "Okay, well I'll see you later." He said.

   That boy cannot go a day without knocking on my room door. My goodness.

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