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He stood silent for a while. "Well you're leaving next week, can we at least breakup when you leave?" He said. "Sure, don't make it awkward please? You can kiss me and all that stuff still." I said. There was another pause.

"God this is complicated." He said. "I know. Look I'm just gonna say it. I still love you, although what you did really hurt me. But I appreciate that you told the truth and explained everything so I'm gonna let it slide." I said. "I'm gonna miss you, you know that right?" He said. "I know. I'll miss you too. But we'll both be all grown up, I'll see you in 4 years. I'll be back." I said.

"Wait, you will? You won't find a different place to work?" He asked. "I couldn't imagine. Even if we broke up, you'll still be my friend and there's still the others. I know Lonnie can't live without me." I said and laughed.

"I still love you too." He said. I open my arms as he looks at me slightly confused. "C'mon, I know you want it. Come here." I said as I pulled him in for a hug. He hugs me back, leaving his head at the crook of my neck. We let go.

"Can I kiss you too?" He said. "Of course." He then kisses me. It felt like such a different kiss. It felt like it was filled with emotions and feelings and love. We pull away.

"I'll see you tomorrow. And I won't be awkward." He said. "I'll see you tomorrow baby." I replied. "Wait we can call each other nicknames?" "If you want to."

"Oh okay, see you later then... Baby." He stutters. "Hey, don't make it awkward." "Okay, okay. I'll just... Go." He said. "Okay, I'll see you." I said, chuckling.

"Bye bye." He then leaves and shuts the door.

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