Part 5

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Letter after letter, Wilbur nearly didn't stop writing to her. Although he didn't get as many as he'd want back, he still clung onto the letters he did get back. He even went as far as keeping them in a pocket hidden under the jacket of his uniform, whenever he felt cold or hopeless, he'd take a moment to refresh his mind of each word written on the parchment. It reminded him of who he had waiting for him at the end of everything, one of the many reasons he had in order to keep going. This morning he'd received a new letter.

But there was something different about this letter, he wanted to meet with Wilbur. They'd never tried something like this, as if 'He' had even intercepted one letter, it would be detrimental to Y/N's safety; to find out one of your own soldiers is romantically involved with the leader of the opposing side, any leader would be furious with that information. Although this risk could cost way too much, it'd been nearly a year since he'd been in the same room with the female. And so he folded the letter back up, and tucked it into his pocket.

The set meeting time was Dusk, the meeting spot was in the forest not far behind Eret's castle. It pained him to travel anywhere near it, being a symbol of a traitor whom heavily wounded L'manburg. As it began to get darker, Wilbur got ready. Throwing a cloak on, for both to be concealed, and for warmth. He packed a few necessities into a satchel, and set off.

His heart beat was fast, if someone was following him, he wouldn't have known. The sound pounded in his ears, making it feel like his head was throbbing. But luckily, the area wasn't well lit, allowing the man to travel completely within the night, and moonlight being blocked by both towers of Eret's castle. When he stepped into the forest, he could feel his breathing relax. He was most likely in the clear now, and judging by the faint light of a redstone torch, he was about to find what he set out for.

The female stood still, dumfounded that Wilbur had actually came. Her hand went up to cover her mouth, and he walked over to the taller man. Their arms wrapping tightly around each other. Within seconds, Wilbur involuntarily let out a sob, causing the shorter of the two to hug him tighter.

"I thought I'd never see you again.." Wilbur whispered, his voice coming out more high pitched as he choked back another sob.

"I love you too much to let that happen." Y/N mumbled into Wilbur's ear.

Wilbur continued to let out quiet sobs, his breathing and body both being shaky, this was all so overwhelming to him. Y/N slowly started to drag Wilbur down as a nonverbal was of telling him to sit down, and once he'd gotten the hint, Y/N had climbed into his lap.

"It's okay, I'm right here Wil," She whispered "I'm not leaving anytime soon".

She began to rub Wilburs back as his sobbing turned into sniffling, the two separated just so Y/N could wipe Wilbur's tears away, then pressed his chest against the female's once again.

"I missed you so much..." Y/N said, running his fingers through Wilbur's hair, sort of petting him, as he knew it used to comfort him very well.

They could feel each time the other breathed, and it made Wilbur's heart beat heavier, he hadn't felt this good in so long. He leaned into Y/N's touch, he'd been desperate to receive any kind of affection from this woman again.

Wilbur's cloak had been wrapped around the two, increasing the warmth shared between them. His head rested in the crook of Y/N's neck, taking in the scent he'd missed for so long with each autopiloted breath. It was similar to the smell of campfire, but so much more welcoming. It was somewhat intoxicating as well, as Wilbur could never get enough of it when they used to share the same bed.

Y/N had ceased petting him, making Wilbur let out a groan in protest, only to feel the female shift off of his lap. Wilbur was afraid his lover was about to leave, and as he was about to say something, he felt himself be pulled down once again. Arms intertwining with Y/N's once again, and he felt a soft kiss on his neck, causing him to return on onto Y/N's forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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