city of angels

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chilling with my boy <3321, 982 LIKES || 21,322 COMMENTSTAGGED - aris______

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chilling with my boy <3
321, 982 LIKES || 21,322 COMMENTS
TAGGED - aris______

min.min.min - are you stealing my boyfriend ._.

teresa_x0x0 - @min.min.min yes. aris is suddenly straight

aris____ - @min.min.min oh my gosh minho. you are so jealous. three girls were talking to me about directions and you rushed me away calling me babe about fifty times.

min.min.min - @aris____ you know you love it😘

Newtttttt🌻 has one new snap from thomazz🤘



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thomazz🤘 has taken a screenshot!

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QUESTION: books i should read

a good dystopia is the Uglies series, which i enjoyed. my favourite book at the moment is The Corner Of White which is about two universes that connect through little cracks.

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