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Grieving is hard. It's even harder when that person is alive but it's evener harder still when you see that person every day. When you see the way his smile lights up a room. When you see the lips you once kissed, kiss someone else. It had been about 2 months from when you almost drowned. 2 months since it was officially over. So like any normal person, Tony was moving on to greener pastures. A strawberry blonde straight hair woman to be exact. She was now smiling at your ex. An entrancing laugh way better than your laugh could ever be. She put up with his late-night tinkering, his unhealthy addiction to coffee. She was confident in herself and knew what she wanted. She obviously didn't worry about you. Care-free at the fact that you and he still worked together every day. If she wanted, she could have him. Even if he were to beg you to take him back, you didn't think you could ever allow him back into your life, not like that. He broke down your walls then once they were safely down he struck. The pain was so unbearable like a thousand rhinoceros tromping on your heart.

You had to get over him no matter how long it took no matter how many guys' or girls' hearts you had to break. You had to be happy you had to move on but how could you do what Tony had just done to you. Break another person's heart. You couldn't. He caused you a lot of pain so how could you go and pass that on to someone else. Pulling you out of your thoughts "Y/l/n. Hey, you there?" Wanda shakes you a little bit "What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Nothing Maximoff. I am fine. What's up?" Tears threatening to spill over the edge.

"Ok, so we are going shopping. We need to get out of here. Especially if she is here." Wanda rolls her eyes in the direction of the girl Tony had over.

Before you can leave Tony's voice calls out. "Hey, Y/n. I want you to meet someone." Tony waves toward him. "This is my girlfriend, Pepper."

"Oh hi," you look at him then turn to the woman. She was gorgeous, "Well Wanda and I were gonna go shopping I'll see you later Tony. Nice meeting you, Pepper," you rushed out of there before they could even respond.

"Hey you ok hun," Wanda puts her arm around your shoulder.

"Yeah fine let's just go to the mall. Please," walking to your car you plead.

"Yeah sure fine let's go." Wanda gets in the passenger seat as you get in the driver's side.

The ride to the mall was filled with screaming lyrics at the top of both of your lungs. Wanda of course is on the aux and she doesn't let the mood drop. She keeps things light like any good best friend is supposed to do after a breakup.

"So I put my hands up. They're playing my song, the butterflies fly away. I'm noddin' my head like, yeah. Movin' my hips like, yeah. I got my hands up, they're playing my song. They know I'm gonna be okay. Yeah, it's a party in the U.S.A. Yeah, it's a party in the U.S.A." you scream as you pull into the mall parking lot.

Turning off the ignition and stepping outside the car you still mumble the rest of the lyrics to Party in The U.S.A by Miley Cryus. She was an icon. Not caring what any man said. Linking arms with Wanda as you walked into the mall. First, you had to hit up the food court to get a little bit of food before exploring all the new stores even though there were no new stores. Finally, you found your way into a Garage. You and Wanda were just perusing all the different clothes when this cute guy bumped into you making you drop all of your bags. His long dark hair was perfectly styled back. He wore a black leather jacket and black leather gloves. He also wore black military boots, jeans covered the top half of the boot. You could hear the jingle of a chain. Assuming by his military boots it was his dog tags. Steve had a set from when he was in the war.

"Hey watch it buster." Wanda snaps.

"Sorry, here let me help you," he begins to help you pick up your bags.

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