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"Steve, I heard Y/n was in the medbay what happened?"

After he got the call saying he should come to the tower because you were in the medbay all he could think was what happened. You weren't on any mission recently at least none that Bucky knew of. As far as he knew you were grounded. You were told that you couldn't participate in any missions whatsoever.

He felt bad. He knew that the team was one unhealthy way you used to cope. Throwing yourself into teamwork and just working and not worrying about yourself. Bucky had learned this all for when you speak to him. When you would call him at night and fall asleep on the phone. That was one reason he upgraded his phone to the one he had now so he could stay up all night talking with you and when you inevitably fell asleep he could listen to your breathing. Maybe it was stalker-like but he did it so he knew you were ok.

"Buck they are fine mainly. It's not my story to tell you how they got there but they are going to be just fine," Steve spoke calmly. Bucky didn't understand how he could be so calm about this you were in that bed alone probably thinking Bucky doesn't care about you when he does. He cares so much.

"Hey, Steve. Did they say anything about me? I know I went to see them when they were in the training room and I don't know I keep replaying the last conversation I had with them."

"Bucky. Listen man they're damaged. Now I am not saying that's a bad thing it is just that they tend to sabotage most of their relationships," Steve tells him honestly. Nothing had been the same since Tony broke up with you and if Steve was being honest with you he had been worried. He cared for you a lot and that is why he was explaining things to this to Bucky because although you really should be telling Bucky all this he knew that you weren't going to explain it all to Bucky so Steve figured it would be a long time before you actually opened up about your feelings which wasn't going to sit with Steve. "Buck they dated Tony. They broke up a while ago and all I know but they also are from the 40s Buck. They struggled with their gender for a long time. They didn't fit in especially in the 40s. You got to talk to them, Buck. I know it may seem hopeless but you got to try."

Bucky nodded, "I'll try because I really like them. They are sweet and just all-around a good person," Steve's heart cracked a bit. He was glad you were finally going to be happy but he was sad that it wasn't going to be with him but that didn't matter because you liked Bucky and he didn't want to ruin his and yours, and his and Bucky's friendship over some feelings.


Bucky did just as Steve suggested. He was going to try to understand you and keep pushing. Before he ha no guidance or even confirmation that you liked him. Maybe the fact that you agreed to the date but in his mind he seen as a pity date. Steve had confirmed it though. You had confessed that you liked him but you just didn't want to get hurt once again much like how Tony hurt you before. Bucky promised himself that he wouldn't hurt you. The light in your eye the first time he met you was a good enough reason for him along with the fact that he couldn't imagine hurting you.


Steve was trying to find the courage to walk back into the room you were. You had made him promise that only him and medical personal were allowed in where you were but he knew Bucky needed to see you. Bucky needed to see with his own eyes that you were okay and it was not too late to help you. He needed to be reassured that he hadn't pushed you away.

When Steve entered the room Tony was already there. It looked as if Tony was degrading you, making you feel worthless. That's when Steve brain finally registered the words that Tony was saying, "C'mon Y/n you just tried to kill yourself yet again. I'll help you out of this like I did last time you and I had some fun times last time I helped you. C'mon I'll help you in every way possible," to many it may seem innocent but Steve knew the meaning behind the words and his face hardened. His vision turning slightly red.

"Tony, you fucking bastard!" Tony whipped around quickly facing Steve. He looked caught till he schooled his expression back to neutral. His smirk evident. "Do not speak to Y/n that way. They don't need your fucking help. They are not an object. You don't need to think that they can be helped by just sex-"

"Mind blowing sex," Tony piped up.

If looks could kill, Tony would be six feet underground with worms and maggots eating away at his worthless body. Growling he spoke "Not the point. Get the fuck out of here and don't come back."

Tony walked up to Steve getting in his face,"You're just pissed I got to tap that and you didn't. Don't think I didn't see the way you would look at them when they were mine Rogers. They will never be yours now if anyone should leave it should be you," Tony spat.

That's when you spoke up, "No Tony I think you should leave."

Tony twisted so quickly Steve wondered how he still stood straight. "Whatever do you mean."

"You know what they mean. They don't want you in here they don't want you back. You need to leave right now or else. So listen, I don't care if you want to try to get back with them leave them the fuck alone.

"Whatever they aren't fucking worth it anyways," Tony stalks off.

"Steve you didn't have to do that," your voice hoarse from disuse over the past couple hours.

"Yes I did. I said it would only be me and the most essential staff and I couldn't even manage that. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it Steve. We will find a way to work this out."

"Listen about things working out. I think you should give Buck a shot. I know you kind of just got out of a long term relationship but you were willing to date him before he joined the team. I can promise you he is nothing like-"

"Don't say his name," you practically growled. 

"Ok sorry but you know who I'm talking about and Bucky isn't like that. So please try and find the peace to give him a chance. Please," Steve pleaded he even gave you puppy dog eyes (or the best he could manage) to go along with it.

"I'll think about it. This would be a big step for me. Besides you heard what Tony said I'm not worth it," your thoughts talking over your rational reasoning for a spilt second.

"No that's not true Y/n you are worth more than the most beautiful diamond on earth. You are worth more than the stars in the sky. You are worth more than all the more in the world. Because you may have a sordid and terrible past you have changed you have made a difference in this world and that paired with the fact that you are just a kind hearted and tender soul you are everything. You are worth more than anything anyone could own. You deserve to be happy and if Bucky can give that to you give him a chance please," tears filled your eyes. All you've been able to think about for the last couple of days in the this infirmary is how short life is and maybe you should start living your life.


It's okay to restart and recreate. Don't spend time beating yourself up over something that went wrong. There's always another chance. -Anonymous

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