7. Training

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Like promised, this chapter is dedicated to RichardKelton!

This chapter was most probably the hardest and the longest I've ever written, so much that I got a bit lazy at the end, so if there are any mistakes or something you don't understand something, just tell me in the comments and I'll tell you what's up or correct something in the editing :)

Now, to Dani's journey...



7. Training

After Luke's words to me, I was nervous. More than that actually, I was terrified.

Luke tried apologizing to me during the Maths lesson, seeing how tense I was and I would've told him not to worry about it, that it didn't upset me. But that would be a lie.

Throughout both Maths and English class, I was on edge, dreading training later on. Madison kept on asking if I was alright during the start of the English lesson we had together and I always mumbled that I was fine. It wasn't until I saw out of the corner of my eye Madison look at her mobile under the desk then she stopped asking if I was alright.

She actually looked kind of mad.

I jumped when the school bell rang out, everything turning surreal for me as I watched everyone stand up from their seats and pack their belongings. I numbly done the same, shaking as I did. 

I felt a hand grasp my own and I looked up, with frightened eyes, to Madison, who gave me a sad smile.

"I know this is going to be hard and all, but you're shaking in a way that you're about to shift. You need to calm down." Madison spoke to me softly, as like an adult would to a scared child.

I knew she was right, I didn't want to lose control in front of everyone. At that thought, I closed my pale blue eyes and took deep, calming, breaths, my thoughts being filled of my family.

When I opened my eyes again, I was met with Madison's surprised look, and I had to ask "Why does everyone always look at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like how you're looking at me now!" I examined, causing the teacher - Mrs Harris - look our way.

"Why are you girls still here?" Mrs Harris stood up from her desk, "Go on, you'll be late for your training lesson."

When we left the English class, Madison was quick to explain. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give you any particular look, it's just..." We began to walk down the semi-crowded hallway, Madison leading the way as she trailed off her sentence.

"It's just?"

Madison shook her head, "When Luke was first turned, he was never that good at control. He even shifted for the first time when someone yelled at him, calling him an abomination." Madison looked to me, "And I thought you were going to shift back there, but you didn't... It's just strange to see a newly turned werewolf have so much control."

I shrugged it off, "Maybe I just have excellent self-control."

Madison didn't look so sure but nodded anyway. "Sure."

I changed the subject, "Where are we going for this training anyway?"

That's when Madison smirked as we turned a hallway, stopping in front of a wall. "Prepare to be amazed, Daniella Parker."

Before I could ask what she was on about, Madison laid her flat palms on the wall and pushed against something. Suddenly, a shape of a door appeared on the door and Madison backed away as the door like shape slid aside, revealing a dimly lit stone staircase, reminding me of the first time I came here.

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