8. Death

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Hello everyone! Sorry for this late update, I’ve been majorly busy with coursework at college and well, college does come first. But not to worry, because half term is coming up and I will surely update more then (if do not have so much work I need to be doing).

Like promised this chapter is dedicated to stilett for commenting. Then after this chapter I will be dedicating the next chapter to another wattpad writer. I won’t say who it is, I want this person to be surprised ;)

But please do enjoy this chapter, I worked very hard on it.



8. Death

The next two weeks were draining. Completely and utterly draining.

I learned, I did nothing but learn over those two weeks. Learn normal human education and werewolf education. Before you say anything, yes I do have quite the headache from it all. From learning all I can in werewolf Law to werewolf Pack lessons, oh must not forget about the werewolf History as well. Instead of being in the lessons with my fellow classmates, I was pulled out of those and given a private teacher for those lessons who was available during those times.

For my Pack lessons I was given the teacher Mr. Newman. In this lesson we would learn all about different werewolf bloodlines that go on since Damek, as well as roles within a pack and famous packs in the world, though mainly in the UK. The school I was attending, on the grounds of the Eastwood Pack, was actually the biggest pack in the UK, covering the most territory. Next to the Eastwood Pack was the Silvermoon Pack, the second biggest in the UK and neighour's to the Eastwood Pack, which is why most of the children of the Silvermoon Pack come to Eastwood Boarding School. Confused? Yeah, so was I. But apparently it's like that with all packs. Whatever is the nearest werewolf school they go to. And since the Silvermoon Pack hasn't got a school of its own, they attend Eastwood's one. As do other packs within the UK. Mr. Newman continued naming other packs like Kenner Pack, Wrightbird Pack, Ackerman Pack and so on. All Packs are named after the creator's surname and only family's of the creator are the alpha of the pack, unless another wolf challanged him or her for their position, and then the name of pack would change if the challanger wins to the surname of him or her.

Yes, the pack life sounds quite complicated.

There were positions like Alpha Male or Female, depending on who was born first in the line of the Alpha's children. They're basically the leaders of the pack, having "alpha blood" in them and according to Mr. Newman, they're power and authority is felt by others within the pack and they have something called "Alpha Voice" to add to their abilities when they become an alpha of a pack. To become an alpha of a pack the current alpha has to die and you have to be the next one in the bloodline to step forward to be the alpha, whether you boy or girl, it doesn't matter nowadays, as according to Mr. Newman, in the dark ages it was always the men who were the Alpha's, but then female rights came in and changed that. And then when you're next in the bloodline, you go through ceremony with a Caster, just dedicating you're loyalty to the pack and will use the you're leader status for the good of the pack. 

Another way to become the alpha and not go through the ceremony is to challenge the current alpha and by killing them you successfully steal their abilities, becoming the alpha of the pack with a new bloodline to follow.

As if that wasn't enough, there was a second-in-command leader called a Beta, who would be chosen by the alpha of the pack and would have to go through the same type of ceremony as the alpha (there are too many ceremonies). And then there would be a third-in-command, they unfortunately didn't have a actual name, but they would be just as powerful and strong as a Beta, but wouldn't possess any type of voice (as Beta's have the "beta voice"). Then there would be an enforcer, which basically gets everyone to follow the laws within the pack and within the werewolf law. If you don't... well, you don't want to know what would happen to you.

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