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"I'm home, mom" You called out, stepping into your house while taking your shoes off.

"Welcome home. I was getting worried- oh? And who's this?" She asked, spotting Suna walking in behind you, shaking the water left on the umbrella outside, the kitten still tucked away in his jacket.

"It's one of my friends from school, Suna" You introduced, tucking your shoes away on the rack.

"Nice to meet your Mrs. L/n" Suna waved, handing the kitten over to you now.

"Please put your shoes on the rack," You asked.

"But I'm not staying here, Y/n. I've got to head home" He said.

"You need to stay here for a little at least until the rain dies down enough" Your mom said. "Or else you'll catch a cold"

Suna looked from your mom, then down to you and sighed. "I guess. Only one hour, then I'm heading home" He then began taking off his shoes, and putting them on the rack as well.

"Now, Y/n, please tell me you didn't adopt a cat that you thought was cute in the window" Your mom pleaded, pointing at the kitten in your arms.

"Sorry Mrs, I tried to tell her" Suna apologized.

Your mom laughed a little. "At least someone has common sense here other than me. Y/n.."

"It was shivering on the side of the sidewalk, mom" You pouted. "I couldn't let it go there and freeze to death. It didn't have no mom, no food, no water, no nothing. Just a cardboard box"

Your mom sighed. "We can keep her, she's clearly a girl, but you have to keep a look after her, okay?"


"Then I'll head on over to the store to buy her a bed, a litter box, and some toys" Your mom said, grabbing her purse off the hook and taking the shoes off the rack. "I'll be back in fifteen to twenty minutes"

With that, she left.

"Your mom seems nice. I could tell you get most of your personality from her" Suna said, leaning against the wall.

You shrugged. "Yeah. Anyways, let's go to my room. There's more room than this tiny entrance"

Suna looked at you a little unsettled. "Mkay."

He followed you up the stairs, into your room. He looked around at the light gray walls that had bookshelves filled with books to the brim until it looked like it would fall over.
Your desk even had books on it, and your window had a string of fairylights with polaroids at the top of the bar.

"Photos.." He mumbled.

"Hm?" You asked.

"Your room is filled with photos and books"

"Weren't you the one who noticed I took a bunch of pictures?" You asked, smirking a little.

Suna nodded slowly. "Yeah.." He stopped at a specific picture though, gazing at it. "..You..kept it?"

Photography Dreams | Suna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now