Downtime: Barroom Brawl

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Debale sat on the roof of the dorms leaning against the wall looking over across what he could see of Vale, a light buzz helping him keep his mind off the pain coming from the black eye he was nursing. He had his jacket off the still summer air had a nice breeze helping him keep his mind off of the one thing that kept bugging him. A lingering bit of paranoia that he couldn't seem to shake. His mind wandering from one thing to the next trying its best to try to relax after the day he had, but failing to do so.

As he closed his eyes for a second trying to settle his thoughts his scroll began to ring and not saying a word he picked it up, looking at the name of the caller.


Swiping his finger across the screen he answered.

Debale: Hello.

Holly: Heya Deba-

The joyfully sound of her voice seemed to change as she saw the state he was in.

Holly: W-what the hell happened to you?! You look like you lost a boxing match with an Ursa!

Debale: An Ursa would've been more forgiving. I just got a little roughed up during a job today, I'll be fine.

She still had a concerning look on her face but she decided to let it go, she, of all people, knew that he has gone through worse and could take much more abuse. Still, she was curious so moving a bit of her Rose/pink bangs from her eyes she asked her question.

Holly: What exactly happened? I mean, it normally takes a lot for you to take any bruises so I'd imagine you had to headbutt a truck for you to get a shiner like that.

Debale: Kinda a long story.

Holly: Well, I called to see how you were doing so I have the time.

Debale smiled a tad at that.

Debale: Fair enough, but you best make yourself comfortable.

He let out a sigh as he began.

Debale: I guess my problems today started during breakfast...


Ruby: Team RWBY! I have an announcement!

Ruby had thrown her arms onto the table getting a *thud* getting our attention.

Ruby: We need to get along better!

Yang: ...Get along better?

Ruby: YES! We might be working as a team but that's all! I know we can be closer than that! Weiss still keeps nagging us-!

Weiss: Well whose fault is that!

Ruby: All Blake does is read and never even really talks to us!

Blake: ...

Ruby: And you Yang! You disappear to hang out with your other friends instead of us! 

Yang: I do? 

Debale: A little bit. I think this is the most they've seen you for about a week.

Ruby: And YOU, Debale! You're the worst of all!

Debale: Wait, I'M the worst?!

Ruby: You always close yourself off from us! Aside from what Yang and I told everyone what do we know about you?!

Debale: Wait, you told-!

Ruby: Little! All I really know is the places you've visited and how your gun works! We don't know anything of substance about you! 

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