chapter twenty one

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George decided to live somewhere else by himself because he didnt want to cause trouble..and because we were moving. "Remus, help me with this box!" I yell. Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Mrs. Weasley and a few of Mrs. And Mr. Weasleys other kids were here helping apparate things. "I got it." Harry says and grabs the box from my hands. Only Ginny and Harry knew I was pregnant, Remus and I decided to keep it a secret until tonight when we were having a small..well large...amount of people at the Burrow for a dinner, Mrs Weasley insisted. My feet were aching and I felt very nauseous so I sat down beside Ginny, everyone knows she is pregnant so she was aloud to sit and do nothing,  I just looked lazy. "Hey Gin." I smile and she looks at me with a smile. "Hey. Have you started craving?" She whispers. "Yes, I have a stash of fruits in the fridge, I cant get enough of them!" I whisper back with a small laugh. "I have been craving chocolate, Harry says it will be a girl." She whispers. It felt so good to have someone to talk to, even if Im sixteen years older than her. I dont look like it. I look the same age as her, as if I haven't aged a day since seventh year, which I haven't. "I don't believe in those myths." I tell her and shake my head. "Annaliese get up and help. Dont be lazy." Charlie, one of the Weasleys, say jokingly but in a stating tone. I sigh and get back on my sore feet."She doesn't need to!" Ginny states and tries to make me sit. "Why not?" Charlie asks. "You're pregnant, she isnt." He seemed tired and I felt bad for making him work. "She's a girl." Ginny says weakly. "So is mum but she is actually helping." Charlie sneers at his sister. I felt all of my breakfast start rising to its surface so I push past people with boxes and run to the bathroom. As I spill the contents from my stomach I feel a hand touch my back. "You okay, love? You knocked poor Hermione off her feet." He says with a slight laugh. "I can't do this." I whimper and wash my mouth out. I flush the toilet and put the lid down and sit on it. "I can't work but it makes me seem lazy and inconsiderate when i dont!" I exclaim."Do you want to tell them your pregnant now or wait until dinner?" Remus asks. "I dont want them to think Im copying Ginny.." I whisper. "You won't be copying me. I'm happy you are. Plus you were pregnant a few weeks before me." Ginnys voice came in and I looked up to see her standing by the door. "I told Charlie off and said that you were feeling sick so you sat down." She says with a smirk. "Everyone felt bad because apparently they were all wondering why you werent helping. Oh and you took Hermione down." Ginny says. I groan and nod. "Thanks Ginny, I need to go apologize to Hermione now.." I trail off and we all leave the bathroom. I see Hermione dusting herself off and looking in pain. "I'm so sorry Hermione." I start babbling and she shakes her head. "No, no. It's fine. We are getting the last of the things out of here and into the new house, then we can go to the burrow." She smiles.


"Does everyone have enough?" Molly questions, "Um..Do you have any apples?" I question softly and Remus starts laughing. "Out of everything here, you want apples?" Charlie questions, he has been rude to me ever since I 'lazily' sat down. I sigh and look at my plate before looking back up at Charlier with a strict glare, "I'm pregnant." I tell him bluntly. Everyone who didn't know, stared at me in silence. "Way to put it out there." Harry finally says with a grin. "We found out a few weeks before we even knew I am pregnant." Ginny explains and everyone nods. "I'm sorry for being so hard on you." Charlie says awkwardly and I shrug him off.

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