Chapter One

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Dream girl - Crisaunt
Chapter One: Accident, Hospitalized!

Word Count: 1000 Words <3

"Target is on the move" I used one of my Mind Jutsu's to give my report to Hanzo directly, "Follow the target, and don't lose sight." Hanzo ordered from his mind, I continued to conceal my chakra and run after my target. They had an akatski cloak on, the person has been hanging around Amegakure for a while. I couldn't tell who the person was, Hanzo sent me on a one person mission to capture the person.

The target ran out of the village to the water, he used his chakra to run on the water. "Target left village and is heading in Konohagakure's direction" I talked to Hanzo in my head, "follow the target underwater and don't lose sight." Hanzo ordered as I did a Jutsu that made a water bubble with an air pocket around my head so I can breath underwater.

I followed the person underwater, then they stopped, "Target noticed my presence" I said to Hanzo in my mind. The target went underwater, it was a man with dark blue hair and pale blue skin, he looked like a shark. "So your the one following me" he said as he grabbed his big sword that was on his back. "Target is drawing his weapon" I reported to Hanzo, "sir, Permission to attack." I said to Hanzo but no respond. "Permission to attack sir!" I said to Hanzo, The Target weaved his bandaged sword at me, I dodged it but it cut my arm.

I made hand signs but the target uppercut punched my stomach, My air bubble disappeared. I choked on some water as I struggled to swim to the top, I felt his hand wrap around my leg. He started to drag me down, my vision started to get blurry as I did my last resort Jutsu. I did some hand signs as I teleported somewhere, the few downsides of the teleportation Jutsu was it was random locations.

I teleported in a forest area, I was in mid air, my body felt paralyzed from the teleportation Jutsu, also another downside.
My vision blurred as I fell to the ground, I saw all the trees pass by me, my body was too weak to grab a branch, Then my body met the floor as the dark place welcomed me inside.

Time skips to the night time 🥳

I woke up and I was at a hospital, did Hanzo find me and bring me back to Amegakure? I sat up and coughed out a lot of blood, I probably got my mask dirty. Oh yes, I forgot I was in the hospital ( no mask ), I needed to find my mask & stuff! I looked to my left and saw I was connected by needles to a beeping machine, I took the needles out and left the room.

I slid open the door and looked down the hallway, ok good no nurses around! I ran around the hospital for a bit until I found a room that had lockers in it. I read the names on the lockers and found one that had my name, like my full name! My eyes went wide at my last name, Hanzo never told me my last name, he said I didn't deserve a last name.

"Asami Haruno!" I said my name, I re-read Haruno again, Hanzo said people with last names have families. Does that mean I have a family out there somewhere? How can Hanzo lie to me, well I guess I can't believe everything he says. I broke the lock to my locker in my hand, I opened the locker as I checked my stuff, ok good everything's here! I grabbed my mask and shoved it into my pocket "Asami your awake" I look to the voice it was a man with a mask, he had silver hair, I gasped as I covered the other half of my face with my hand.

"It's alright, I'll keep your identity a secret." The man said doing something weird with his face expressions, he was stretching his face upward. I looked at him weirdly, did it hurt doing that with his face? Then he noticed me looking at him weirdly, "What's your name?" I said to him, "I'm Kakashi Hatake" kakashi said. I bent on the floor in front of him, "thank you for saving my life" I said bowing to him. "That's not necessary Asami, I didn't save your life the doctors did" kakashi said as I got off the floor.

"You have to go back to bed your recovering" kakashi said as he helped me back to my hospital room. Why is this Kakashi person so nice to me, he's the second person who showed me kindness since...
We entered the room as I thanked Kakashi and fell asleep in the hospital bed, the beeps started to go quieter as I fell asleep.

Time skips to the next morning 🥳

I woke up to the bright sun shinning through the bulky thick hospital curtains, I walked to the curtains opening it. I didn't notice last night because it was dark, I wasn't in Amegakure! I looked around examining the area I was at Konohagakure!!! Hanzo said I wasn't allowed here, he also lied to me!!! Hanzo can go suck his own dick because I am not going back to him! He treated me like a his toy! (#Hanzotheperv)

I tried to do that thing Kakashi did with his face. I tried but I couldn't, I got angry and used my hands to hold my face in position. I finally let go, why was it so hard to do, I gave up and laid on the bed. I got up when the hospital door opened, it was Kakashi! "Kakashi your back" I said, I sat up from the bed looking at him. "You have visitors in an hour, it's your family" he said, he took out papers. "These are your release forms" he said as he handed it to me, I looked at Kakashi then the forms...

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