I want to adopt him!!

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Aizawa POV
I was currently with the kid and he was asleep on me I was dying of cuteness do to him

(IMagine that he has cat ears,tail,wing,and halo)I looked at him and saw that he was waking up ,and I swear to god his smile had reminded me of Shinsou when he was a little kid (also Shinsou and the rest of class are 14 and eri is 3 years old ,the...

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(IMagine that he has cat ears,tail,wing,and halo)
I looked at him and saw that he was waking up ,and I swear to god his smile had reminded me of Shinsou when he was a little kid (also Shinsou and the rest of class are 14 and eri is 3 years old ,the pro had saved her already from overhaul,also that means eri,Shinsou, and rest of class1-a are older than Izuku,also by the time Izuku turns 4 also it's a college AU)when he woke up fully and he started babbling ,then I had heard a knock on the door "come in" it was the pro's that help save the child and eri. "Hey guys"  I had said it in a tired tone "dad is that are new brother" eri had asked "no eri he just a kid that we saved from an abusive home" I had saw tears in her eyes "can I at least hold him"she had said it with her puppy eyes "sure but be careful with him" "okie" I had handed her the child carfully

Dad had gave me the kid and I had saw a 4 little tattoos,one big tattoo with a name on it ,then necklace on the baby

Eri POV Dad had gave me the kid and I had saw a 4 little tattoos,one big tattoo with a name on it ,then necklace on the baby

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(On the left side of his neck)

(On the left side of his neck)

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(Behind his right ear)

(Behind his right ear)

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(On left arm)

(On the back of his neck)

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(On the back of his neck)

(On the back of his neck)

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(On his back)

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(On his back)

"Hey dad have you ever noticed that the baby has tattoos and a necklace"I asked before he answered a doctor came in

Aizawa POV
Eri had asked me if I had noticed the tattoo I was going to say yes but then I got caught of by the doctor coming in
"Um hello I'm doctor Garcia and I have some good new,bad new,and really big new which one do you want?".The doctor Garcia said "umm we will take the bad news" Mic had asked looking worried as heck "well the kid will have some scars and will be kinda traumatized" when I looked at the other pro they looked worried "can we get the good news" I asked "sure,the good new are that his name is Izuku Midoriya and he is 9 month,also he is going to be fine" we and had calmed down a bit "what about the big news"Nezu had asked.When he asked that questions the doctor just went into a state of shock "umm w-well the kid is very gifted and if you had noticed that he has tattoos and the necklace.The necklace and tattoos represent nature and animal,also he has quirks".Everyone looked in shock the kid had multiple quirks "here is the list of quirks,also he does not have any relatives"

'Holy shit this kid has many quirks,how does he have my quirk except better' *sigh* "eri do you want a new brother"  when I had asked that question the pros got mad "hey who said you were taking the small bean I want to take him!"Midnight shouted ...

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'Holy shit this kid has many quirks,how does he have my quirk except better' *sigh* "eri do you want a new brother" when I had asked that question the pros got mad "hey who said you were taking the small bean I want to take him!"Midnight shouted then all of the pro hero started to shout at each other on who will adopt the kid.

3rd POV
While the pros where shouting they did not realize that eri and Izuku were crying in the corner do to the loud noise and that Nezu and recovery girl came into the room,and saw that eri and Izuku.Recovery girl had went to the children to clam them down while Nezu calms down the pros.

Present mic POV
We were yelling at each other until Nezu got involved "why don't you all adopt him,also the kids are crying" we all looked at the little listeners and we all started to feel bad.

Hey fam I had to finishes the story here because I have another one that I have to finish also I ran out ideas

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