The rage of shota aizawa

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Izuku POV
I was surrounded by a bunch of teenagers and I was started to get scared "umm hello" I had said quietly "hello I'm Momo" a girl with black hair said in a mean tone (also I'm making momo mean)"ok I'm Izuku Phoenix I'm 5 also what all your names" (I forgot the age) "well I'm Mina Ashido and do you like dancing"a girl with pink skin and pink hair said "umm I had never danced before" when I had said that she was in shock "well sweetie today you are going to learn how to dance" Mina said "ok but I'm going to ask dada because he told m-"I was cut of by one of the girl that seemed to be invisible. "You don't need to ask him you be fine,also my name is Toru Hagakure" the invisible girl said "but what if I get in trouble"I had asked "don't worry about that you be fine" Mina said.

Momo POV
'Ugh this brat is stealing my attention from the class maybe I can get him in trouble' goes out of class room and goes get some make up

Mina POV
Somethings wrong with Momo but I will figure that out later I'm going to teach this kid how to dance

(Ends at 1:02 also the boy image it Izuku and the other dances were whoever you think of)

When we had finished I saw the boy was great at that dancing until Mr.Aizawa came to pick up Izuku and I was getting worried that Izuku would have told him "hi dada"Izuku said with a smile "hey Izuku what did you do with my class"Aizawa asked "I learned how to dance and a new song called Wap" when Izuku had said that I had saw the anger in Aizawa eyes "Izuku can you go to the teachers lounge your lunch is waiting for you" Izuku had nodded and left the room.

Aizawa POV
These problem children had taught my son a inappropriate song "sooo who taught my son that song"I had said while giving them a glare,everyone had pointed to Mina and Toru .I had grabbed them and dragged them out of the class to the training ground,because I was going to give them harder homework,more training,and detention for 3 weeks.

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