Part Ten: Celerulean Tower

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Zelda's POV:

Link starts to sniff again for a place to dig out of the cell. I study him as he begins to burrow a tunnel under the bars, considerably larger for me to fit through.
My wrists are bruised.
He continues to dig.
"While you were out, my cuffs started to constrict my wrists, and for a moment, I thought they would break my bones. Then they just fell to ashes."
Link has dug a hole under the cage, but instead of climbing out, he comes to me and licks my bruises.
"It's okay," I prompt him to escape. The exit wasn't very difficult for me, either. I dust myself off and watch Link stare down the dark corridor along the row of bars to our right. His twitching, pointed ears perk atop his head. He yips and starts down the hall at a light jog.
"Wait up," I walk after him when he yips again and starts running. "It's pitch dark down here!" I call to him through the echoing darkness, but I can hear him start sprinting at full speed, leaving me far behind. I listen fully to Link's claws scratching the ground for traction. When I start to run at my top speed, can hardly run in a straight line. It's difficult to run without scraping and slamming against the narrow walls.
"Link, I can't see!" I shout.
Link stops running, and I can hear him yipping. I place my hands on the walls and resume sprinting for him. His silhouette emerges in front of a dim, torch-like glow. As soon as I catch up to Link, I look out to my left to find an enormous marble hall, supported by orange and polished marble pillars, illuminated by large brass dishes hanging from beams on the arched ceiling filled with blue fire. The hallway to my right is a mirror image.
Link's left ear twitches, and he barks a word of caution, hiding back in the darkness of the corridor from which we came. I quickly follow him, discreetly peeking out at the left hall. A bare-footed man clad in a black hooded cape and silver ankle bracelets speeds toward us. He stops in front of the entrance to our hallway and touches a stone brick wall opposite the entrance to the dungeon. Another cloaked figure, this one shorter, joins him in front of the rectangle of bricks.
"Are we late?" whispers a young woman's voice.
"Not yet," the taller figure replies. "But move quickly."
Suddenly, the girl passes right through the stone section of the wall with a huff. The boy turns around and happens to lock with my eyes. The hood clearly wasn't made to hide his identity. His skin is icy blue, and the pupils of his yellow eyes burn a brilliant red. A splatter of black on the edge of his face stretches from the right side of his chin to the cheekbone and cradles his jaw.

The boy looked in my direction but thankfully couldn't see me in the darkness. He quickly follows the short one into the wall. After a few seconds, I hear the sound of a heavy door slamming shut. No footsteps.
"Let's follow them," I whisper.
Link takes the lead, sniffs the wall...and passes right through! Entering the bricks has lead us to a dim chamber with a steep staircase, which bridges over a seemingly endless rectangular pit. I survey the room for any switches or traps, none of which I find in the walls, stairs, or floor. I take my first step up toward the exit, and the cobble feels completely stable. Link hurriedly scales the full flight and looks down at me, panting with his tongue and his furry tail wagging. I quickly start up the stairs just in case they give out suddenly. I land at the top without so much as a step slipping. The strange wooden door before us has horizontal planks and no handle. As I place my palm to the surface, the door lifts itself into the ceiling, giving way to a new chamber. The second we pass, the door slams behind us.
I'm terrified at the sight that awaits me.
In the massive hall, two rows of indigo fire line both left and right walls, and up the wide incline, stand the two hooded figures. Behind them, a tall thinner one in a pitch-black robe. The slender person towers at about seven feet or more; all of its body is covered by the robe, which is bordered in teal rectangles from the hem to its opening at the front. Over its head is a silver-colored helmet with a grim face and cone shape at the top. He must be guarding the door.
For a long moment, the three stare down at us and I can make out the shorter figure's face to be a faded teal color. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. What do I say? What if they arrest us again? What will they do with us?
I notice the guard bow its head to whisper to the hooded people to leave toward the giant door; its light periwinkle mouth is the only thing not masked by the helmet. The hooded two open the door without allowing a single glimpse into the next room and slip through.
"Who are you," asks the guard in a distortedly deep voice. "and what business have you in the Celerulean Tower?"
The moment I begin, Link barks to the man and has clearly forgotten that he can't speak.
"All of this is an accident," I finally get out. "We were taken here by magic and...I think we're in another world from our own."
"Explain how," the guard replies, tonelessly.
"We were in Faron Woods as stars began raining from the sky, and the moment they completely covered our skin, we woke up in a prison down the hall."
"You were imprisoned?" the guard asks. "For what crime?" he waves his black-gloved hand, and a scroll appears out of thin air.
"I'm not sure. Neither am I sure exactly where we are."
"This is the Twilight Realm," he answers, tossing the battered scroll into the blue inferno to his right. "and as you have been stolen away from your world, you and your companion will be welcomed as guests. You will be escorted to an audience with the king and queen, who will use their powers to take you home."
As the scroll is burnt to a crisp, the guard snaps his finger and the massive wooden gate opens, revealing a ray of red light.
"I have sent for an escort to wait for you past the gate."
"Thank you, sir," I reply with sincerity, and off we go, into a brand new entrance hall. As we come into the light, we meet a smiling young male with slicked, spiky red hair. His long silver face is vibrant against his also black cape that reveals his burgundy robes and bronze curled shoes.

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