Expecto Patronum

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The next day Anna woke up to her father shaking her gently. Anna opened her eyes and sat up she must have fallen asleep on the couch with her father.

“Anna you need to get dressed you have lessons with Professor Dumbledore in 30 minutes and I have to go teach “Severus said ripping the blanket off her and walking into the kitchen. Anna got up and went to her room, walked over to her dresser and pulled out a simple black dress with white knee high sock and black flats. Anna ran down stairs and grabbed her wand and book bag and walked into the kitchen were here father had breakfast already laid out for her.

“Hurry up and eat we don’t have much time” Severus said already washing his dishes with magic Anna did as she was told and eat after she was done her father grabbed her arm and dragged her to professor Dumbledore’s office. When they got there Severus said the password to enter “butter beer” and dragged Anna in.

“Good morning Anna are you ready” Dumbledore greeted Anna as she was dragged in by Severus.

“Yes sir” Anna said as Severus let go of her arm.

“Anna behave yourself understood” Severus said looking down at Anna

“Yes father” Anna said with while giving a little nod. Dumbledore looked a little shocked Dumbledore did not think Severus would tell her that soon.

“Very good I will be off to teach now Albus” Severus said and left to go teach the” lovely first years” which Severus deeded teaching

“Well then miss. Snape shall we get started” ask Dumbledore as he pulled out a chair for Anna.

“Yes sir” Anna took a seat and Albus began to teach.

5 hours latter Severus was done teaching and Anna was probably done with her lessons so Severus left the dungeons and walked to Dumbledore’s office. When he got there Anna was doing the spell stupidfy that was a 5th years’ work there is no way he heard her right as if Dumbledore could read his mind he said.

“We have a very powerful which on our hands Severus. After dinner tonight I want you and Anna to come to my office if you don’t mind I believe we have discuses Anna’s schooling once more.” Albus said as Anna turned her head to realize her father was there.

“Anna come I would like to talk to you” Severus said as Anna obeyed and fallowed Severus to the dungeons. When they got there Severus pointed to a seat at his desk and Anna obeyed and sat while severs stood.

“Anna I would like to see some of the spells Dumbledore taught you today if you don’t mind” Severus still was not sure if he heard Albus correctly so he had to make sure.

“Yes father” was all Anna said she stood up and pointed her wand at a box in Severus office and spoke “Wingardium Leviosa” and the box floated perfectly in midair after about a minute Anna put the box down gently and stared saying another spell.

“Father can you pull out your wand” Anna ask Severus nodded and pulled his wand out while Anna did the spell.

” Expelliarmus” Anna said the spell and Severus wand flew out of his hand then the next spell that Anna did shock Severus beyond belief.

“Expecto Patronum” out of the tip of Anna's wand came out a beautiful white horse that galloped all around Severus office then disappeared. Severus just stood there in shock how in the world could a 9 year old girl prudes a patroness.

“What was it” Severus ask Anna just looked a little confused.

“What?” Anna ask

“Your happy memory to make your patroness” Severus ask a little curious as to what happy memory Anna had chosen.

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