Happy Birthday

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A few weeks after the incident at the ministry of magic Anna and her father have been on summer vacation. Today Severus took Anna shopping because she only had a few black dresses and shoes and he thought she could use a little color to fit her personality. Anna was walking around with her father in the wizard mall shopping when she realized something. It was her birthday, but she didn't say anything her father had already done so much for her and knowing him he would spoil her to death. Anna was taken out of her thoughts when her father spoke.

"Are you hungry?" Severus looked around as if something was wrong. Anna looked around but she didn't see anything.

"A little, Are you?" Anna looked up at her father something was wrong she could tell, he was holding onto her hand for dear life and walking a little to fast for her.

"Dad is something wrong?" Anna was starting to trip a little for how fast he was going and she couldn't keep up.

"Anna I don't want you to panic but Lucius is following us" Once Anna heard that she started to shake as she remembered what he did to her before her father found her. All of a sudden Anna was having trouble breathing and her chest felt tight. Severus saw this and picked Anna up and they were finally able to get to the floo network.

"Spiners End!"

When they got home Anna was having even more trouble breathing and was crying silently. Severus was still holding her as he rushed to his potion cabinet and pulled out a calming draunt.

"You have to drink this Anna you are giving yourself a anxiety attack this will help, drink" Severus held the bottle to Anna lips and she drank. After a few moment's she felt better and started to calm down.

"D-dad why was he following us?" Severus went over to the couch and sat down and pulled Anna onto his lap.

"Anna I don't know, but all I know is that the Dark Lord is not pleased with you and he could have sent someone to punish you since he is in hiding. On to a different subject matter we don't need to talk about this now, what do you want to do today? Don't think I forgot about your birthday." Anna looked down at her hands shrugged she had never celebrated her birthday. Anna had a love for music but she was NOT going to ask her father for anything he already bought her so much.

"Well professor Dumbledor wanted to come over for a while and I have to go somewhere for about a hour will it be alright it i leave you with him for an hour?" Anna nodded and Severus got up to take her to him for a while. About 10 minutes later albus appered at the door.

"Good evening Severus and Anna how are my dear?" Albus walked in looking at the small girl in front of him so brave for her age.

"Fine thank you sir" Anna looked down at her feet.

"Anna I will be back soon okay? love you dear." Severus kissed Anna on the forehead and Anna nodded.

"Yes father" Albus smiled and with that he aparated.


One hour latter

Anna was sitting in the living room reading a book and Albus was pacing around when Severus came home. Anna's father said nothing as he picked Anna up off the couch and brought her up to her room.

"Dad what are you doing?" Severus put her down on the floor and Albus had a small smile playing on his lips standing behind them.

"Happy birthday sweet heart" Severus opened the door to Anna's room and Anna gasped in pure happiness. Her room was done and painted in light yellow and white furnicher but what caught Anna's attention the most was the small baby grand piano in the corner of her room.

"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU DADDY!" Anna spun around and grabbed her father pulling him into a hug.

"Your welcome sweet heart happy birthday, I have one more present for you" Severus pulled out a small box from his robes and handed it to Anna. Anna opened the box, inside was beautiful necklace with a diamond charm that was the letter "S" meaning Snape. Anna gasped at the sight she had never gotten anything like this before.

"It's beautiful' Anna whispered.

"Not only that but I have put a tracking charm on it so I can always know where you are and find you" Severus took the necklace from Anna, got down on one knee and told her to turn around to put it on her. 

"Thank you" Anna hugged her father and Severus pulled her into his lap.

"We will get you piano lessons soon so we can hear your beautiful singing" Anna looked at her dad in confusion.

"What is something wrong?" Anna smiled and shook her head and walked over to the beautiful baby grand and sat down.

"I don't need lessons I already know how to play" Anna placed her hand on the keys And began.

Every season by Nichole Nordeman

Every evening sky, an invitation 
To trace the patterned stars 
And early in July, a celebration 
For freedom that is ours 
And I notice You 
In children’s games 
In those who watch them from the shade 
Every drop of sun is full of fun and wonder 
You are summer

And even when the trees have just surrendered 
To the harvest time 
Forfeiting their leaves in late September 
And sending us inside 
Still I notice You when change begins 
And I am braced for colder winds 
I will offer thanks for what has been and was to come 
You are autumn

And everything in time and under heaven 
Finally falls asleep 
Wrapped in blankets white, all creation 
Shivers underneath 
And still I notice you 
When branches crack 
And in my breath on frosted glass 
Even now in death, You open doors for life to enter 
You are winter

And everything that’s new has bravely surfaced 
Teaching us to breathe 
What was frozen through is newly purposed 
Turning all things green 
So it is with You 
And how You make me new 
With every season’s change 
And so it will be 
As You are re-creating me 
Summer, autumn, winter, spring

Severus stared wide eyes at Anna she played it perfect and her voice, reminded him of Lily like an angle. Anna smiled and looked down at her feet. Albus who had been there the whole time was also shocked she was so young and talented at almost everything she did. Severus walked over to Anna and picked her up Albus smiled she really did bring out side of Severus no one ever has seen only Anna and Lily have been able to and for awhile Albus thought he would never see that side of Severus again till Anna came into his life. 

"Where did you learn how to play?That was beautiful" Anna hugged her father around the neck.

"I learned from Narcissus when ever Lucius went to work and Draco went to school she would teach me" Anna yawned and layed he head on her father's shoulder Severus smiled. Albus, Anna and Severus said there good byes and Anna got into her night gown. Severus picked her up and tucked her in bed and kissed her forehead.

"I love you Anna, happy birthday sweat heart, sweet dreams" Severus petted her hair for a little bit then once she fell asleep he went to bed him self thinking about Lily. Lily his he missed her, Anna was so much like her, sweet , kind and the best thing that ever happened in his life and after losing Lily he knew he could never lose his sweet Anna she was all he has left he could not imagine life without her 


His Anna.


Okay I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry i have not updated a lot has been going on in my life and its been hard, but I'm back! and if you have any ideas for the next chapter please tell me I have be having writers block like crazy! I know this chapter is short Sorry if you would like to more read my book called "The Lost Girl" this story is a true story on my life and I only have like one chapter out of like 70! so if you are wondering why I have not updated read it and vote and comment! 


Anna Snape ^_^

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