Part 11

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Virgil shivered harshly, his wings fluffing up. He still didn't trust this creativity person but... it was better then here he guessed. Virgil almost screamed as the man with blue eyes showed up suddenly. The males eyes flashed blue.

"Where's your brother?" He asked. Virgil backed up, his mind feeling fuzzy. He was scared, he hated those powers, they could do whatever they wanted to you in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, it's okay, just tell us where he is" The red one said calmly, looking around the hall. Virgil shook his head. What if these people were bad? What if Janus meant that these were the bad people? What if they were going to hurt his brother? His breathing was quick and erratic, and he stumbled back from them more. The blue eyed one glanced around the hall, tensing as someone turned into the hallway. His eyes flashed, the person passing out. Virgil yelped, stepping back even more. The blue one rolled his eyes, and Virgil whimpered as he fell. His world turned black.

"We need to go back for his brother... who knows what those two maniacs will do to them" Someone whispered. Virgil blinked a little, looking up. He looked around, seeing two people talking. He narrowed his eyes, sighing in discomfort. Why did his head hurt so much? His eyes widened as he realized.

"Janus" Virgil said quickly, sitting up and throwing the blankets off him. He didn't get far, as one of the two people stopped him, forcing him to sit. The mans eyes flashed blue, and he panicked. He ripped himself away from the others hold, using his wings to get away faster. He grabbed something that looked sharp, and bared it as a weapon.

"What do you want with me and where's my brother" Virgil hissed, tears forming due to the fear. Both of the males raised their hands lightly.

"We aren't going to hurt you, we're here to protect you, your brother is still with the so called hero's, we're working on how to get him out" The red haired one explained. Virgil held the sharp object tighter.

"Who are you! Why didn't you get him first?" Virgil asked quickly, only noticing the new shirt he had now. He looked at it in confusion for a minute.

"I'm Roman, or Creativity, do you remember when you met me at the park? With- With your uhm- with your brother?" Virgil nodded slowly, his hold on the object slowly loosening. That was until Roman stepped closer.

"Answer my question! Why didn't you get my brother!" Virgil yelled, his tears falling much faster now. Virgil watched as Roman stepped closer, and he held the object up again. "Don't get near me" Virgil whispered. The blue one nodded, pulling Roman back.

"Listen. I'm Logan, this is Roman, please excuse his.... inexperience in human interactions." Roman gasped in offense. "Shut up you know I'm right," Logan said before turning back to Virgil. "Listen, you were panicking and I couldn't figure out where he was. If you could tell me where your brother was held, I'll be more then happy to go help him out of there. I'm sure Roman would be thrilled to help as well" Logan explained. Virgil nodded, trying not to choke on his sobs. "Let's just, I mean it's a pencil... but still, let's set the pencil down and just, tell us where he is and I'll go find him alright?" Virgil nodded lightly, slowly putting the pencil down.

"When... so- I just, hold on" Virgil said, wiping at his eyes.

"Take your time" Roman said softly. Virgil sighed softly.

"Yeah, so it's the door right down the hall by the, sitting room I think it's called?" Virgil explained, his brow furrowed in slight confusion.

"What do you mean you think it's called a sitting room? Don't you know? What even is a sitting room?" Roman started talking loudly, his hands lighting up, sparking even. Virgil eyes widened, and he scooted back into  the corner.

"Don't come near me" Virgil whispered. Logan looked at Roman, pushing him out the room.

"I'm sorry about him, I'm guessing you don't like fire hm?" Logan said, pushing up his glasses. Virgil nodded lightly. "Describe this sitting room you talked about will you?"

"It... it had a large... seat? It looked cushioned? Uhm... it had a magic box thing, it kinda like, people talked on it? I don't know I'm- im sorry" Virgil whined lightly. "I don't know how to explain it, I'm sorry, please I don't know"

"That's alright, I believe your talking about the living room. Was it connected to a kitchen?" Virgil nodded quickly, holding himself tightly. "Right then. I'll be back soon, also, Roman won't hurt you, I can assure yourself that, he's probably the nicest person you'll ever has the displeasure of meeting. He is quite loud though" Logan said with a nod, leaving the room. A blanket glowed blue before draping itself over Virgil. He yelped in shock, before letting it fall over him. He snuggled into the calming warmth, letting himself relax.

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