Be Happy

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Edited, kind of. I'm lazy I'll fix any mistakes later, please point them out if you see any. Thanks :)

Song of the Day: lightning by mehro


"Y/n, don't forget to go up to the counter with the note." Alex reminded me as we headed for the door.

"Oh! Right." I turned around and stepped back up to the counter and waited for someone to come out from the kitchen.

"Oh, hey!" Tubbo rounded the corner and grinned. "You've got a note I see, can I read it?"

"No- Where's Tommy?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

Tubbo smirked and raised his eyebrows in a teasing demeanor.

"Oh, shut up."

A small giggle rose from Tubbo's throat as he walked back into the kitchen to retrieve Tommy.

As I waited I watched as Karl and Quackity fought one another with plastic straws that they had combined.

"Here he is, and- uh- someone else." Tubbo sounded unsure.

I fixed my attention back on Tommy until I saw the tall blonde girl standing beside him.

She wore a tight pink dress and too much jewelry around her wrists and neck. I almost wanted to shield my eyes from how distracting it was.

Her make-up was thick and obvious as she wore dark red lipstick and a lot of eyeliner. I could never imagine myself becoming that confident to wear such things.

She was pretty and I was sure she knew it. It worried me to see her next to Tommy.

"Hi! Y/n meet Ashley. Ashley meet y/n." Tommy introduced her to me.

It would be best to make a good impression, right?

"It's nice to meet you!" I faked a smile and stuck out my hand for her to shake.

"The feeling is mutual, darling." She said in a clique tone, ignoring my hand that was left to hold the air.

"I've known Ashley for around a few months now. We met at the mall." Tommy grinned and looked over at her as she nodded.

"That's cool," I answered, trying to sound happy. Happy as if I didn't notice how close the two were standing or how Tommy smiled as she talked about her job.

Karl and Quackity had stopped their fight and tuned into the conversation causing me to turn my head in their direction.

"Oh, am I boring you, y/n?" Ashley asked snottily.

"Of course not! Sorry, my friends are just very distracting." I kept up the kind act.

"You don't have to apologize, it's ok," Tommy reassured. I smiled at him. It was genuine in the smallest way. Ashley was staring daggers at me.

"Uh, y/n. We have to go." Alex mentions, hinting that he didn't want to be there anymore.

"Oh, uhm- It was nice to talk with you Ashley! We should again sometime." I suggested.

Oh shit. Why did I just say that? What the fuck am I thinking.

No reply from her, just a rude stare.

"Yeah!" Tommy answered for her as she rolled her eyes.

I began to walk towards the door when I remembered the forgotten note in my hand.

"Uh- Here's this back," I said bluntly, speed walking towards the counter and placing it down.

"Oh! Y/n- Wait come back!" Tommy yelled.

"Another time, Tommy," I replied and headed out the door that Karl held open.

"What a bitch." Alex spat as the door closed behind us. I could help but release a laugh from his remark.

The light feeling was quickly replaced back with the same uncomfortable pit in my stomach.

I would have to be happy around them again due to my stupid mouth asking to hang out sometime with her.

I would have to be happy like I was ok with their friendship, or whatever they call it.

I would have to be happy as my world falls apart at his face lighting up from her presence and not mine.


Updates go vroooooooooooom and by the way, this will most likely be two books.


Do you like jelly beans? Please say yes. I'll fight you if you say no. There's no wrong answer :] ... At all :] 'Don't be silly. :]'


Drink yo water

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