chapter 23

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Tonight, I was with another agency with a pro hero that was amber father he sends. Amber and deku, I to check out an abandon church, someone called the police. They had us, work togther tonight, they were another group joining us I thought as I am watching. Amber from the far, hiding behind from the tombstone, she had seen there was suneater. Within in the distance I thought to myself in the moment. Finally, I heard her, amber pop out from behind.

"boo !!!" i heard amber, there was mirio and his friend Tamaki. than he screamed, he looked like he was about to cry or have a panic attack. "come...o-on, a-mber "he stutters out, as i came out of the showers of the tree. I was hiding from the others, just because I thought as I saw mirio, our eyes met for a moment.

Before amber started to talk, "you got the call too i guess" amber asked, "um...yeah, where is your father?" he asked, "he does not do the tombs stones or graveyard" she answers before smiling "but bunny is coming "she said, then Tamaki turn colors from pale to a pink color before pulling the hoodia down to cover his face. "what's wrong with bunny?"

i asked, she seemed nice and sweet person and wonderful pro – hero. I had the year three classes with her in it, "he has a huge crush on her, and bunny has a crush on him. "she said with a smile, then we heard footsteps there was bunny. there was bunny, she was dressed almost in a magician uniform.

"hi suneater, hi mirio" she added as she walked over to suneater, she was an arm reach from him. "i guess we were all called over, to check the abandon church and graveyard" she said, before turning looking at suneater before he could turn away from her.

"since we were all here, we split up" she said with a smiled while looking at amber, then deku was looking at amber in a questionable look. "me and suneater, go east, mirio and lily, check out the church. Amber, deku check out the west side" she said as we began to split up, i slowly follow Miro. We went into the church along with mirio, it was dark within the church. I grew a moon flower. To light the way, "that's amazing "mirio said, "yeah i guess, so. I can grow plants off my body or near me" he smiled as i spoke as he led the way. We check the main part of the church, there was glass on the ground and the rocks. There was a church window, that broken. "it's sad "mirio said, "people should never destroy a place of faith" he said "christen?" i asked, he shooked his head no.

"my mother isn't father never pushed faith onto me. But take my ethics from faith. You?" he asked me "I don't have a faith, but i don't really believe in any god at all, i believe in hope, it's a powerful thing" i said as we were walking around than we check the whole church. Nothing really, there was couple cats, i saw an owl but no teenagers or a villain hiding out here. Like was reported to the police

I thought as we walked out, there was everyone else on the steps "see anything?" amber said with a wink, "no, cats and an owl, "just that, "it was a fake call, let us go" bunny said before giving Tamaki a flirty waved at suneater. Which he blushed bright red, i just smiled at mirio before leaving along with amber and bunny, deku.

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