chapter 30

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Lily pov

It finally happens three weeks, since mirio had to leave plus the video had come out. Everyone knew about my crush on mirio it was embarrassing I thought in the moment. As I saw and heard my phone, it was mirio I thought deeply as I felt my heart beating faster. As I stop everything, I was working on the essay that was due next week.

i readed it, i am back!!! he sent one before than another one came. In, you are not cursed or a black cat, or broken doll."

Yup he saw it, should i call him or facetime him. I started to freak out, as i saw the dots. "I could have scream, can i see you tomorrow, the coffee shop. My treat" he texts me.

than i reply panicky almost it felt like I was having a panic attack, "you do not have to feel bad for me, I know you don't have feelings for me. I am like a little sister to you" i sent to him,, he was calling me. I just look at it before answering it, you are so dumb waterlily.

I thought as i brought to my ear. "hi" i said as if i had a lump in my throat, "it's know that, um you're not like a little sister to me. It's better if i explain my feelings to you in person than over the phone trust me lily, it's nothing bad" mirio said in a kind, sweet caring voice tone.

. "okay" i Sutter out, "i'll see you tomorrow at the coffee shop, on the corner next door to the small bookstore. Can't wait" mirio said before we both hang up. I was smiling for the rest of the night.

~~~~ time skip

it was hour before me and mirio, meet up thing i thought to myself as i was trying, to pick an outfit.. i gave up, i started to mentally freak out i decide to give amber. A call, "ring...ring...waterlily?" i heard, amber speak, while I heard midoriya in the background he sounded like he was sleeping. "hi...i hope i am not bothering you ...i just need to talk to someone, it's just mirio knows, he saw the video. He texts me last night, i agree to meet him at the coffee shop. Near the school, i did tell mirio that he must have feeling for me like an older brother and little sister. He doesn't, but i don't know what to wear "i mumble out, i heard midoriya in the background,

"sleepy time.... come on.... queen..." I heard midoriya in the background, "sorry if I woke you up" amber cut me off. "it's fine girl, so back to you and mirio, let me explain mirio. In a word, mirio is prince charming, so he wants to explain his feelings to you in person nothing more than nothing less. Now for what you want to wear, the yellow sweater and since it's a little chilly". Blue jean short, with that white cat shirt, your cute brown booties. Your hair in cute buns, pink gloss on your lips, have fun bye" she hangs up, i breathed out. Before i had started to get ready, after getting ready i texted mirio. Letting him know, i was about to leave as i was leaving Mr. aizawa. was in the hallway,

" where are you going ?" he asked, " meeting mirio at a coffee shop" i said, he nodded " okay, i am going to sleep" he said as he walked into his room before i headed out. I took a short walk from the house i lived with Mr. aizawa he was almost like a father I thought to myself as.

I heard the clicking of my boots meeting the sidewalk. I thought as i was walking past the houses than. I was in front of the coffee shop and the bookstore. That was next to each other, as i went to grab the handle of the door. When i saw mirio, there was one of the girls bullied me. There he had flowers, he was wearing, a white shirt and blue jeans with matching black shoes. Then she kissed him, then mirio saw me, in the moment i felt my heart break. As i ran away, i went to the park, where i pulled out my phone and called amber. "ring...ring...ring," she answers with a happy voice "so? "than i spoke up "can i come over?" i said while crying. "of course, i am at Midoriya's, it is not far, sending you directions "she said before i hang up. I sadly started to walk in the direction of midoriya house, his house was not that far. Once i got on the steps, amber open the door, "come in" she said as she let me inside. There was midoriya just hanging out, watching tv in the living room. "are you okay? What happened?" she asked, "i went over, as i open the door to the coffee shop. One of the Ashley's, there with him, she kisses him, and she took the flowers" i said before crying as sat on the end of the sofa. "okay, that wasn't supposed to happen" amber said as i heard my phone ring. I saw it was mirio. I did not answer it, "aren't you going to answer it?" amber asked, "i can't handle any more heart ache, he just want to be friends "i said as i wipe my tears. "okay, i am going to meddle, he doesn't want to be friends, he wants to be more than friends "midoriya said, than amber smiled and nodded yes, the phone rang again. She smiled, you should answer it, i slowly picked up the phone of mine. "mirio" i said sadly, "you gotta let me explain, where are you? "he asked worried, "i am at Midoriya's, can i meet you at where i train in the woods" i asked, him "of course ...i'll meet you there" he said before he hangs up, "okay, i am going to meet him" i said before i could, "let me fix your makeup. Before you go" she said as she pulled out a small bag she started to fix. My makeup, "there you go" she said as she finished, "thanks "i gave a small smile. Before headed out, then walking back, towards my training area. I like to train at, as i got closer towards the area. it was the same area, where me and mirio had met for the 1st time.

Then I saw mirio, he looked worried and upset, i never saw him like this before. I thought as i walked out of the thick area, he saw me. He looked upset, when he saw me, as i walked over "let me explain everything "he said, i nodded "Ashlyn walked over to me, thinking it was only small talk. My fault, i know she really likes me. But i do not like her, as you saw, she kissed me but i was trying to be nice not hurt her. After you left, i gently pushed her to the side, i ran after you. I am so sorry waterlily, this wasn't going to supposed to happen, "he took a breath of air, before rubbing the back of his neck. "i don't even like Ashley, especially after what she did to you, the video." he said as he took another breath, i did not know what to said, mirio cared for me deeply. He took a breath of air, before speaking "this was going to happen. We meet at the coffee shop, i'll treat you to a coffee or tea, a doughnut. Then we have some small talk, after a while i would bring up the video. Then confessed my feelings to you "he said he took another breath before he handed. Me the beaufuil sunflowers, once my hands touch them they perk up. He smiled, "here i go, waterlily i think, you're the most beaufuil, smart and amazing, powerful person. I ever met, i love it how powerful you are and i love it when use it to grow flowers and vines. I think it is amazing, i love it how your so kind to others, how beaufuil your long hair is. I love the sound of your voice, i never felt like this before, "he confessed. In the moment, i thought as i slowly spoke up while playing with the sunflowers
" no one else, has ever said nice things like that " i said, mirio had looked at me " beaufuil, smart and powerful?" he questioned, " yeah, i am cursed ...i always bring bad luck -" i was cut off mirio " no, you're me " mirio said, as he step forward me, pushed my hair behind my ears, than he pushed a long strand of hair out of my eyesight. I placed my hand on his hand for a moment, as i looked up into his eyes, "i feel the same, i never felt this way before, mirio. I love your energy, positive especially when you smile and when you cheer me up or even being there for me" i told him, his face brightens up, "i am so happy we feel the same about each other, waterlily would you like to go on a date?" he asked i smiled "yes "i said. "this Friday, now to the coffee shop, my treat" he said, as he led me out of the training area, headed to the coffee shop.

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