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~Cassiopeia Blacks POV~

First day of classes, well, not really, first day of classes for me I should say.

I'll admit it, I'm nervous, like, extremely nervous, I guess I really am lucky that McGonagall put me in a class with at least one of the guys every period, I at least have someone.

I walked down to the common room after I got dressed, where I found all the guys sitting, also dressed. Well, dressed-ish

Sirius' tie was all uneven and not tied correctly, Jamie was sitting in just his white button up and red and yellow tie, Peter was sitting, nearly asleep on the couch, and Remus, well Remus was completely dressed and sitting on the couch reading, what do you expect?

A few minutes later we started walking and made it to the great hall, even though just having a normal conversation, we pulled everyone's attention in the room.

I'd be lying if I told you that there was a student that wasn't whispering something to the person next to them.

'Who's that with the Marauders?' 'Who's the new girl?' 'Who is she' 'Why is she here' 'Why is she with the Marauders?' 'Who's that?'

Oh there's many, many others too, but I'll spare you the intense detail.

"I don't think your realize exactly how many 'wait there's another Black' comments your gonna get today" Sirius said

"I don't think you realize how many comments I get on the average day at home so I think I'll be good" I said

The meal went by pretty quick, just the average, groggy conversation, then the bell rang.

I don't spend a whole lot of time with Petey, well, scratch that, technically I spend nearly all my time with Petey, I should say I don't spend a whole lot of alone time with Petey, so now first period every day will either be hit or miss.

We walked into the classroom, and I'm not lying to you when I say that every eye in the room came to us.

He lead me to a desk on the side of the room and we sat there, close enough to pay attention but not far enough to be the center of attention.

"Mr.Pettigrew, may I ask who you've brought along today?" The professor asked as he walked up.

"Oh uh yeah, this is Cassiopeia Black, Lucky, this is Professor Flitwick" Petey said

"You're telling me there's another Black?" Professor Flitwick said

"Yeah" Petey said

"Any relation to Sirius?" Flitwick asked

"He's my twin" I said

"Huh, didn't know he had a twin" Flitwick said before he walked away.

"Don't mind him, he lives in his own little world pretty often, one track minded" Petey said, I nodded.

I luckily had an easy first day for this class. The concept of charms was actually pretty interesting, and today was mostly notes.

Class ended and Petey and I met the rest of the guys in the middle of the court yard, which apparently they do between every class.

"Ah yes dearest sister of mine, I get to spend the whole period with you" Sirius said as we walked up.

"Why are you being weird" I said

"I'm not being weird" He said

"No, she's right, your being weird" Remus said

"Hm, anyways, off to astronomy we go" Sirius said before he grabbed my arm and started dragging me in a completely new direction.

Wait, there's another?-its only the beginning-1 UNDER SEVERE EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now