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~5 day time skip (a/n:there's a few time jumps in the middle of this chapter because I know it'll be long, and it'd make everything move smoother, also possible trigger warning, mentions of abuse)

~Cassiopeia Blacks POV~

Where I'm at now? Well I'm sitting in charms next to Petey zoning out while professor Flitwick talks about the huge exam we have tomorrow.

Why I'm zoning out when it's a huge exam? He's been talking about it for over a week now, so I know I understand most of it.

But in my favor, the bell rang cutting off his rant.

I don't think Petey and I have ever gotten out of there quicker, not even kidding.

"Thank god that exams tomorrow, I don't think I can handle another class like that" Petey said

"If someone held a gun to my head and told me to recite a single word he said, I couldn't do it" I said

"I'll catch you later Lucky" He said with a laugh

"See ya later Petey" I said

I made my way to Astronomy and took my seat next to Lily. Yeah we finished our project so long ago that I barley even remember what its about.

"Flitwicks class still the most painful thing in existence?" She asked

"Oh without a doubt, today was the last of it though" I said

"Good point, I'll try to think of that to get me through next period" She said.

"You can't be worse then me, I just zoned out the whole period, I'm lucky I didn't get called on" I said

"This is off topic, I think I might go to hogsmead tonight, you wanna come?" She asked

"Sure" I said

"Okay, I'll meet you at your dorm around 4:30" She said.

~6 hour time jump~

Yeah you think having one thing to remember in a day means I'd remember it wouldn't you, well yeah I was still confused for a minute when I heard a knock on my door.

Then I remembered I told Lily I'd go to Hogsmead with her.

The difference in a train ride to hogsmead versus a train ride from king cross is sort of insane. It's like 30 minutes versus 8 hours. Yeah I'll take the half hour ride to Hogsmead.

Since it was mid week there weren't that many people on the train, but there was still enough for there to be a trip.

"I know I don't have to specifically say this to you two but be back here by 6:30 so we can make it back in time for dinner" Minnie said

"We will Minnie" I said before Lily pulled me off to one of the stores.

I'll admit it. I don't come to places like Hogsmead and Diagon alley a lot. They've given me the creeps for a while now. But Lily doesn't know that.

Even though it's been a few months, our friendships still fairly new, it's not exactly easy to have the conversation about my experience.

'Oh, yeah, I only go to muggle stores because wizard shops remind me of when my mother was brutally murdered in front of me when I was six, anyways, wanna go get a butterbeer?'

It's not exactly an easy conversation topic.

"Okay, let's see, there's a lot more places we can go, we still have like 45 minutes-" Lily started.

"Cassiopeia" I heard. That voice will never fail to stop me dead in my tracks.

"What's up, why'd you stop?" Lily said as he came out of the dark alleyway behind the three broomsticks.

Wait, there's another?-its only the beginning-1 UNDER SEVERE EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now