"I'll make you mine."

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Dream set George down on the soft bed and went outside, he pulled out his phone to see a text.. 'Fundy🙂'

Hey Dreamie, i was wondering if you would like to come with me on a vacation :)

Oh hey, well who's going?

Just you know uh, anyone can come..

Sweet :D I'll come.

Oh-K, See you later Dreamie


Dream smiled and thought, "I'll take George this could totally make him become my official boyfriend" the thought made him excited. He dialed,

'Nicks sporting goods'

"Hey Dream what's up?"

"Nothing i was just telling you, that fundy is inviting everyone on a vacation. You can come and maybe take Karl too, you know sex by the beach is pretty ho-"

"K we're gonna come, see you there."

Nick then hung up. Dream chuckled, "Dumbass.." He breathed out..


At the beach because i'm lazy as hell :p


"The pools are so big, and the beach is huge.. O~ O~ look there's a jacuzzi" George said pointing to everything he was talking about, Dream pulled the suitcases out of the bus. He watched as Nick and Karl, Bad and Skeppy walked out the bus too, struggling with their suitcases. Then Fundy walked out too, he quickly ran to Dream pushing George out the way.

"Hey Dream" Fundy smiled as he hugged Dream tightly,
"Oh hey Fundy, thanks for inviting me, hope you don't mind all the people i brought.." Dream scratched the back of his head. He watched as a disgusted expression spread across his face, "heh..of course"

Fundy shook his head, "I got our room numbers." He said handing out key cards to everyone.
"I got Karl" Nick smirked,
"I got Skeppy" Bad said walking over to the Skeppy who was tired looking.
"Oh i got..Fundy" Dream said kinda disappointed, he looked over at George who was sad.
"I'll text you when i get to the pool George" Dream smiled as he walked away.

George quickly swooped in, "Fundy can i get the room with Dream please?" Fundy looked over at him..he laughed loudly at George "mm no, but better luck next time" Fundy smiled sarcastically and walked away leaving George shook..


"George you done yet ??" Karl knocked harder on the door,
"hmm no! I'm telling you i'll be done there in like an hour or whatever." George said scrolling through his phone,
"Alright, but Dreams down there too!" Karl added.
"Yeah? I don't care i'm staying up here for a little."
Karl pouted and left.
Once he got down to the pool he saw everyone settled in, Bad was in the pool drinking a beer, Skeppy was trying to get him to stop, Dream was talking to Fundy as he swam through the pool, and lastly Nick was waiting for Karl.
"Mhm Hey baby" Nick smirked, "Nuh-uh, no sex today or tomorrow or the next day" Karl said then jumped into the pool. "Wha- not fair" Nick pouted as he ran towards the pool also.

"So Dream, do you like anyone at the moment?" Fundy asked leaning on the pool wall,
"Well, i am dating George soo.." Dream said firmly ruffling his hair. Fundy sighed softly, "Well i heard it was just a dare. Is it true?"
"Well it is, but me and George are planning to get together" He smiled to himself, on the other hand Fundy's expression change drastically.

Enemies to Lovers-DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now