My beloved

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"mm..Dream? are you awake?" George gently rubbed against Dreams hair, he felt Dream nod slowly. He giggled and ran his slim fingers through Dreams hair, "there's only one month left" George whispered into Dreams ear. He instantly shot up, Dream looked straight into George's eyes "Did you make a decision yet? Do you love me?"

George's Pov

I laughed and scratched the back of my neck, I then felt Dream lay back down and turn away from me. Just as I thought.. i'm not ready. "Dream please I love you, and you understand what's going on!" I yelled kind of. I got completely ignored, I sighed and put my arms around Dreams hand. I pulled harshly but he wouldn't budge. Instead he pushed me off of him, I yelped as my ass hit the floor.

Dream shot up in bed again and looked over the edge to see me rubbing my ass in pain. "George are you o-"
"Shut up!" I yelled in frustration, "You always fucking do this!" I got up from the floor and headed towards the door. I quickly left the room making sure to slam the door behind me...

Dreams Pov

I looked blankly at the door as the slamming noise ringed through my ears. My mouth slightly parted once tears started running down my face,

"i'm sorry..."

At school

George ran to his locker and quickly got his book not really paying attention to what he was getting in general. He speed ran through the crowded hallway and successfully made it to class in time.

He sat down in the back and pulled out his book. "Shit." He got the wrong book again, he looked around and noticed none of his friends were here.

George's Pov

I sighed under my breath, and suddenly felt someone sit next to me. "Hello." The guy said pulling out his book, he flipped through the pages and looked at me. "What?" The man asked.
I laughed nervously, "can I uh use your book as well?" I looked up at him and saw the small smile on his face, he scooted closer to me and placed the book between us two. I sighed in relief and leaned in closer to him.

Boring boring lol

out of school :p

"Hey uhm it's George right?" The guy asked George as he put his books in his blue bag. "Yeah!" George replied with a smile, "Cool, I'm Nathan." George cooed "I've never met someone with that name actually.. well as in I don't have any friends that are named Nathan." He laughed softly at George's silliness.
"Would you want to go get some coffee right now or maybe later.?" Nathan asked George, "For sure, i'm fr-" George got pulled away behind a tall man. "He's not free right now, maybe later." Dream stated firmly looking at Nathan with dead eyes, Nathan matched the energy. The two stared at each other until Nathan nodded and walked away.

as he should 🙄

   "What the fuck Dream.!" George groaned in pain, "Why are you like this?" Dream asked.
   "Like what?!" George replied in a harsh tone, "You have fucking sex with me and tell me you love me, yet you don't want to date me." George stared at Dream coldly. He swung his arm away and rubbed it gently,

   "I fucking hate you dream"

   many people were staring already


    Dreams Pov again bestie 😙

   Those words stung very badly. I quickly realized the regretful expression on George's face but it didn't matter to me. I looked down as my hair fell in front of my eyes, I didn't want to speak.. nothing.
     Nothing mattered at that moment.. I just turned away and walked off into the hall way. George's hand grabbed onto mine but I instantly shook it off, more and more people started rolling into the hallway. Everyone was basically getting squeezed to death. I heard George yelp for me..

  and I ignored it

      "George what's wrong?" Nathan asked as he wiped the tears from George's face, he bent down on his knees and looked straight into George's eyes. "Don't be makes me sad." Nathan whispered as he hugged George.
   "It's just..i like this guy right?"
"but i'm not ready for a relationship..and they just don't get it yet."
   Nathan sighed softly and sat down next to George. "Well..sometimes you have to be the one to wait. He might not know what you mean, he's probably been with a lot of people before. So he might not understand just yet."
   George's eyes softened as the two just made eye contact, " could find someone new" Nathan says still focusing on George's eyes.

   George broke into a laugher and threw his head back, "ah~ you're so funny" George patted Nathan's back and got up. He extended his arm towards the guy and helped him up.

   Some time later

        George's Pov AGAIN

    I walked into the dorm and immediately looked for Dream, "Dream?" I went to his room.
   I went to the bathroom
    I sighed and gave up, I walked over to the kitchen and saw his phone?
   'the hell?' I picked it up and unlocked it, 'dumbass's password is 123456' I giggled to myself and walked to my bedroom with the phone in hand. I laid down on my bed and searched through the phone.

And messages

  I smirked to myself and opened it, instantly my eyes went to 'Ex💀' I opened the messages and scrolled through them slowly.

'Dream please take me back'
'Babyyyy please'
'Come on dickhead..i know you love me!'
'Did that fagot replace me?!'
'HELLO?! at least answer my texts you bitch'

  'Damn she's crazy' is what I thought, chills ran down my spin and I quickly exited the app.
  I then went to Discord and opened it, 'Hmm nothing interesting' I then went to the persons icon 'Nickismyname' Assuming it was Nick I opened it as well.

'Hey Nick?'
'What's up Dream?'
'Uh well somethings wrong with me again.'
'What do ya mean?'
'My panic attacks are getting worse dude, and especially now that George told me he hated me'
'Woah woah he said that?'
'Oh well uh you can come over :))'
'Really thanks man'
'Y e a h  just hurry up'

   "He has panic attacks?!" I yelled through the dorm, then suddenly someone snatched my- well his phone. It was Dream, "What hell dude."





   "What did you go through?!" Dream yelled at me, "stop yelling at me.." I gently whispered. "No actually what the fuck is up your ass?!" Dream raised his hand i'm thinking to adjust his hat but I quickly flinched and covered my face with my hands. Shaking, I slowly removed my hands from my face to see the sad expression on Dreams face.
   "Do you- do you think I-I'd hit you?.." Dream slowly back away from me, his back gently hit the wall. He quickly opened the door and ran out the room.

  drama 🙄🤞🏽

  Cliff hanger lol get recked

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