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I woke up in a big pain all over my body. My head was a bit dizzy, my right leg hurted like hell and I was weak in general.

I opened my eyes and found out, that I'm in a big bed. Comfortable bed

My body started shaking.
Am i in king alphas room?

No, his room is so much smaller than this.

But where am i then?

In that moment, the door opened up and i quickly looked at that direction.

There appeared 3 maids, i guess, with plates full of food and after them, there came in a man. Hot man, but his face was kinda cute.

,,Put it on the table and get out. And don't forget to close the door." he said strictly to the maids. His strict voice made me shiver.

The maids listened and in a minute, they were gone.

He looked at me and smiled.
Why is he smiling? Is he gonna hurt me?

He went closer, sat up beside me on the bed, while i backed up a little.

,,Is your leg still hurting you? The doctor said, that it's broken, so it will take some time to heal." he looked at my leg and then on me.

,,Is anything else hurting you? Please tell me, omega" he touched my cheek lightly. I was shaking like crazy.

He's obvious alpha. Why is he  acting so nice towards me? No alpha ever acted so nice to me. In the fact, noone ever acted so nice to me at all.

,,I guess you don't talk that much. Are you hungry? You must be hungry." he smiled and took one of the plates and put it on my thighs.

,,F-for m-m-me?" I stuttered. There was a lot of delicious food and he wants me to eat in HIS BED!

His face saddened.

,,Of course omega, you have to eat. You are weak. This will make you stronger" he smiled at me again.

,,I-i a-am s-supposed t-to e-e-eat o-on the g-ground, r-right?" I tried to make a sentense.
On the past, when i got a food, which was usually just a bread, they threw it on me and i had to eat on the floor.

,,Oh, baby..." he sighed and took the plate on the side and suddenly hugged me.

I was shocked. This is my first ever hug.
Why do i feel so safe right now?
I don't even know him.

,,You had to go through a lot right?" he saparated and caressed my cheek again.

He looked into my eyes. His eyes are so beautiful.

,,W-why a-are y-you s-so n-nice t-towards m-me?" I asked out of nowhere.

He smiled and stared at me.

,,We are mates, baby" he whispered.

My eyes sterted to water. This is too much for me.

,,Baby, why are you crying. Don't cry. I'm here." his voice was worried and he immediately hugged me tight.

I felt his body on mine, his warm against my cold. His strong body against my weak one.

His fingers were carresing my back trying to make me calm down.

,,T-they s-said, t-that y-you w-will r-reject me"

,,Who said that!" His voice raised, making me start shaking even more and cry even more.

,,No no no, my baby, that wasn't on you" he tighten our hug and started to move out bodies a little.

After some minutes, he saparated and looked at me.

,,You're so beautiful, omega." he was staring at me like i was the most previous thing, he's ever seen

,,Can you tell me, your name, beautiful?" he took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

,,J-jimin" i stuttered again

,,Ok, Jimin. And your second name?" he smiled again.

I shrugged my shoulders.

,,I don't know"

He frowned and looked at me.

,,O-ok, and how old are you?" I could say, he was confused.

But that question made me tear up again.

,,I-i don't know" i whispered so quietly, so i didn't even know, if he could hear me.

,,No baby. Don't cry." He took me into his big arms, making me comfortable again.

,,But how can you not know it? I don't get it." He whispered into my ear.

I was still shaking and shivering, but still i managed to answer.

,,T-they told m-me, t-that i was t-there from my birth." I slowly said those words, which made him growl again.

I was scared, that he will hurt me now, so i quickly hid under the blanket.

,,Oh god, I'm so stupid. Baby, that wasn't on you." He slowly took the blanket off of me and looked at me kindly.

,,Come here." He layed beside me and held me against his chest.

,,I would never hurt you, Jimin."

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