28) BABY

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I stayed in place and let Jimin hug me and calm me down

I'm going to be a father....

Well, I always wanted to have kids, and now it's finally happening

I wanna jump and dance and scream by happiness around the castle like a madman, but now I have to stay with my love

I didn't even realize that my body started shaking on its own. Only now, because Jimin pulled me closer by my back, his finger soothingly stroking

I kissed his bond gland and then rubbed it with my nose
I heard him chuckle at that

"So... we are going to be parents, " he whispered, wrapping his fingers into my hair

"Yeah... I guess, " I whispered back, pulled my head up, and looked into his eyes. Smile appeared on his face, I smiled back and kissed his forehead

When I pulled away, I looked at him again
He looked like an angel
His blonde hair spreading on the bed and a tiny string over his forehead.
His eyes shone like the brightest stars.
His cheeks are a slight pink tint on them, and his lips look so kissable right now

Total angel...

"You are going to be the best mommy," I whispered and leaned to kiss him passionately

He immediately responded and wrapped his hands around my neck, pulling me closer

I caressed his sides and let my fingers slide down under his shirt to his belly

My lips went down to his neck, kissing it lightly and then going further and further down.
I pulled his shirt up a little bit and started to peck and kiss his, now flat, belly

His chuckles went to my ears, and his fingers to my hair

I pecked every place my lips could reach, and then I pulled away

"Hi, my little baby..." I whispered to the belly and looked up

Jimin had tears in the corners of his big eyes, probably by all of those new emotions

"It's me, your daddy in  here.... I just want you to know that I'm here for you and mommy. I won't leave you two. I love you now, and I will love you... forever. You and mommy are the most important things in my life, and I will make sure that you will be happy. Ok?" I talked calmly and slowly

Yeah, like that baby would understand me right now

I heard Jimin sob a little bit, so i pecked the belly one more time and went to his lips

"I love you... alright? What I said to our little one is true. I won't leave you. "

He kept nodding, while tears kept coming down his cheeks

I swiped them away and kissed his forehead

The moment I wanted to kiss him again, we heard the knock on the door

I sighed and pulled out quickly, then I stood up and went to the door

"What is...."

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