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The storm is over.

The wave took over the whole ship, so it's broken to million peaces.

But somebody in the heaven didn't let these three men die.

The ocean threw them up on the nearest coast with little peaces of their ship and some of their broken stuff.

All of them had their clothes torn and wet.

They were coughing the water out of their mouths.

The sun shown up from behind those dark clouds and now is shining on their bodies.

The Prince looked around the place they were laying.

The other two were still trying to not die from the amount of water in their lungs.

,,I think we have some guardian angels above us, friends." The Prince sighed and stood slowly up.

,,Or it's just luck" the smaller man with bright brown hair have spoken while trying to get the water out of his ears.

,,Or..." that other one, black headed one, couldn't finish.

,,Shut up and stand up. We need to find out, where are we" the Prince helped them stand up and went straight to the forest.

Their journey was quite lovely.
The birds were singing, the sound of ocean in the backround, that undamaged forest full of animals.

,,This is suspicious. No forest looks that perfect." The men with black hair whispered.

,,Shh. Everytime someone says something like that, something is going to happen." Brown headed covered his mouth with his palm to shut him up.

,,Can both of you shut up? Maybe it is just different land and this is normal in here." The Prince was now really annoyed by his friends behaviour.

,,Well Sorry. We just want to be carefull and we don't want to die in here" man with brown hair complained.

The Prince stopped walking and looked over him.

,,You wasn't that scared, when we almost died in the ocean." He growled and started to walk again.

,,Can't you just shut up? He is clearly irritated and you're pushing your limits." His friend of his left side scolded him and ran towards the Prince.

Brown headed man was just standing there, thinking about the things he has said.

He took the necklace he had in his pocket and looked into it.

There was a phot of him, his lovely mate, wife and his only 1 year daughter.

A little tear went down his cheek.

He quickly swiped it off and ran to his friends.

When he ran to them, he almost fell down the abyss, which was practically invisible from far away, but this friends quickly cought him before he ended up in the dark hole of death.

They dragged him to the ground, he's still panting from the previous running.

,,We can't fight like this. We need to stick together. Like a team." The Prince sat down next to him.

,,Yeah we can't just be separated." Black haired man started to tie his shoe.

Pantings stopped for a moment, but then they were replaced by sniffs.

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