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It's now 2 days after our long, long lovely time together with Jimin, but we still stayed in the bed, because we were pretty exhausted.

I know, that I had some important things to do, but i think, that neither of us was ready to leave each other sides.

I held him against my chest, kissing him near his ear.

He just purred into my chest and snuggled more into my touch.

I chuckled and shook with him a little.

,,Baby, I know, that it's early, but we really need to get up." I whispered lowly.

He whined and shook his head.

,,I don't wanna get up, alpha" he whispered.

I smiled and kissed his lips softly.

He wrapped his hands around my neck and pulled me closer.

I smiled more into the kiss and hover over him.

I shoved my tongue into his mouth and squeezed his hips.

He whined into my mouth and arched his back to build up the tension more.

My hand went slowly down his body and I had it almost on his crotch...


,,I know, that your heat and rute is over. So get the fuck out of there!!!" I heard from the door.


I pulled out of the kiss and whined.

,,I am going to kill him" I mumbled into his neck.

Jimin chuckled and massaged my neck.

,,Maybe we really should get up" he whispered into my ear.

I just sighed and pecked his neck and got up.

Both of us got into the quick shower.


Ok maybe not that quick.

But could you blame us?

When we finally got dressed, I opened the door, revealing a little but angry Namjoon.

,,I said get up quickly, but ok" he smiled.

,,Sorry, I really am, but..."

,,It's ok, I just wanted to tell you, that we have some new visitors. They wanted to meet you. As a king" he said quickly.

I looked at him confused.

,,Wait, are those the visitors from Kims kingdom?"

I remember that.

Their king wrote me a letter, that they need ally to defeat Lee.

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