Shane! Why?

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Sitting on this rough rocky floor reminds me of the time me,daryl and merle just sat there on the cold floor of the basement waiting for there dad to come back from the bar

Sometimes he would lock us down there but that was when we were like 8 he stopped when we were about 18 and then we tried to stay out of the house as long as we could. stay at a friends house or somthin. just waiting here for somthing to happen I had my gun out ready to shoot.

I heard foot steps "oh hey Livy I'm back let's go home" the man I dreaded came up behind a car "no your not in control of me any more go away" I said "oh now liv don't you miss me your old man" he said stepping closer "no your not my dad my dad died in 1988" I said

"Oh but livy Iv missed you now come on" he said as he put out a hand for me to hold. the he fell on me. I was about to scream when I see Rick under a walker next to me. I look up to see a random walker on me. oh thank god it was just a halusionation. but I still couldn't get my heart beat under control or my breathing.

About five more walkers past us. and we didn't hear anything. Rick got up and pulled the walker off of me. I was laying on my side now. I sat up and Rick had a hand out to me or was it daryls dad it was flashing to Rick to daryls dad. I got up by my self ignoring Rick.

I put my hand on his shoulder "thanks rick" I said it more of a question. we heard a scream and Rick ran off into the woods. I stumbled over to the RV watching the blood drip on the floor "DALE!" I screamed he looked down and came down from on top of the rv.

"Olivia!" Daryl yelled as he ran to me "here" Dale said as he put some paper towels on it and then rapped it in electrical tape so it wouldn't fall off.

"Hey what happend" shane said as he came around the corner. "Nothin" I said as Rick came up from the forest he talked to Carol and the people up by the woods and then come over to the rv to get some guns. "Rick you can't be firing in the woods" I said

"We don't have enough knifes" he said
"Wait" I said as I got up daryl tried to help me but I ignored him. I walked over to the truck I was in before the herd. I grabbed the black case and walked back. I put it on one of the hoods of a car. I opend it to find a bunch of different knives "hey guys" I yelled

Everyone gathered around and took a weapon "got enough now" I asked him "you just found these?" he asked as he put his hand on my shoulder "Ya u saw the company on the case and knew it had to be weapons" I explained there was a moment of silence as they examined the knives "ok let's go" I said walking to the woods "olivia your not going" daryl said

"Yes I am" I said in defense "no we can't risk your arm getting worse and you lost to much blood, walking around in those woods in this heat would definatly make you pass out"shane said

"Fine I'll stay" I said as I playfully slapped Shane's face and hugged daryl

I went to merels bike and took out his stash "pain killers.......pain killers" I kept repeting

I took some pills and sat on the side of the rv it was only me and Dale. "Found this guitar thought that glenn might know how to play" Dale said as he set it on the side of the rv. I took out a pack of cigarettes that I found in the sack of merels bike. I also found a lighter in there. I lit it and took a puff.

"You shouldn't be smoking" Dale said concerned "don't matter were all ganna die anyway" I said lazily

"You know it's only a matter of time before everyone we know dies. or maybe they won't we will stay alive until your age" I said

"Well thanks for calling me old but were ganna live we'll make it" Dale said

"Ya for how long you know we're the weak ones the old guy and the injured the first to go" I said

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