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Daryl POV
My heart broke with hers as I just finished telling her the truth. she just stood there looking beautiful of course but I don't know if she's in shock or just doesn't know how to react.

"So all this time I could have found my mom" she said

"Olivia she died, after she left you guys I saw in the old news paper my dad used to leave around the house, there had been a rape and murder and_" I didn't want to go on. when I read that paper I was about 9 or 10 well Merle read it since he was in school for like a year until my dad pulled him out of it since the teachers were getting a little suspicious about the bruises and the date on the paper was months old when he told me about it.

She still just stood there no expression just staring at me.

"You kept this from me for 22 fucking years!" She yelled in anger. I was so ashamed. I couldn't even look at her anymore so I looked to the floor.

And I looked up to see her storming off. I ran after her. "where are you going?" I asked

"Daryl I have to go" She said

"What?" I asked as I grabbed her arm and turned her around. she had the strangest exspresion on her face iv never seen before well not on her. but that same expression was on my fathers face when he was about to beat one of us.

"Daryl if you don't walk away I'm ganna kill you" she said inbetween clenched teeth. I looked down at her hand and it was behind her. she can't have a gun can she.

"Ok_ok _calm down" I said as I backed away with my hands up. she stood there looking at me.

Olivia POV
I had my hand on my gun. my whole life a lie. I need to do something anything to get rid of this pain in my heart. 'good girls don't cry' I thought of my fathers words I mean daryls dad. I stared at Daryl

I want to kill someone, something right now just see them drop on the floor gone, dead. I stared at Daryl as he backed away I tightens my grip on my gun about to pull it out and shoot him. I want to scream cry do something but you can't because 'good girls don't react' that's what daddy I mean daryls dad always said.

"Shoot him" I hear my fathers voice I mean daryls dad. "you know you want to it keeps the hurt away little livvia" I hear him

"I love him,i love him,i love him,i love him" I kept whispering to myself trying to block out my father voice I mean Daryl's father. oh fuck he was my father and I will turn out to be as crazy as him.

"Olivia you can let it out its ok now" I hear Daryl say as I look at him more carefully

"No I can't Daryl! You don't get it! I don't feel pain anymore! No pain when I killed jim no pain when we found merle's hand!nothing" I screamed and realized I was waving the gun around now. I saw Daryl wave at something.

I turned around to see Rick,Shane,glenn,t-dog and Andrea. Oh god now they know I just want to react do something but nothing is happening.

Daryl POV
She started laughing histericaly. I'm worried about her but if I go over and put my arms around her like I always used to do when she acted like this. but I'm scared she might shoot me. it's never been this bad back then she would just sit on the porch with no expression just sit there and I would go over to her and take her in my arms.

"Olivia put the gun down" Rick said as he tried to inch closer.

"But I need it" she said inisently.

"For what?" Rick asked and her smile faded now she just looked angry.

"Don't talk back" she said

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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