This story is gonna talk about why you weren't with the originals for the past 1000 years and what happens when u finally wake up and find them. Turns out you're the lost sister...
You will also go to school as a normal person, trying not so hard to...
I snap out of my vision, and look at Laura with a dash of happiness. "Laura! We are not alone, I..." I shout but didn't get to finish my sentence as Laura says "what do you mean and why has everything changed ?! " with fear in doubt in her tone. I proceeded to say "mom said it's been 1000 years, but the good news is we are not alone because..." Laura freaks out and yells " ONE THOUSAND YEARS ! Is our family dead ! What year is it ?!"
Elijah notices our clothing and immediately ask "what's your name young lady ?" I turn around and respond "y/n". He looks at Laura, then she said "and mine is Laura".
Elijah about was about to speak when Laura cuts him off and asks "your lord do you perhaps know the date of today ?". Before answering Laura's question he asks " what year do u think it is, and if I may please ask for your mother's name". "It's the year 1001" Laura says with confidence. I look at Elijah and say " my mom's name is Esther".
I hear the same voice from before shouting and vamp speeding towards me and chocking me to the wall "what did you just say!"
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I look with at both men terrified and repeated my answer while gasping for air. The second guy demands my full name. I tell him "it's y/n Mikealson" with fear in my voice. Laura does a spell and I was finally able to breath again. I grab Laura and vamp run as far as I can.
We go back to the cemetery where we woke up. Trying to enter through the window, something pulls me and snaps my neck.
~ Later that day ~
I wake up chained to the wall, I see my best friend with a strange looking bracelet on her wrist that I'm sure I've never seen before. I notice her crying and I start to say " don't worry we'll get out of here and we can hide behind magic". Laura looks at me with sadness as she says "I can't do magic" and she bursts out crying. I start yelling at the direction of the door "what do you want from us !"
The two men approach us and Elijah says "I'm sorry we had to tie you girls up but I'm afraid we had no choice". I start pulling the chains with all my strength and I almost broke free until the other man pushed me and said "you think you can escape ME !" Laura starts to cry from fear as she watched me suffer. Elijah interferes "I apologize for my brother Niklaus's actions, I may say I am indeed be interested in hearing your story". I look at him with pain and disgust " why would I tell you anything if you're chaining us up like animals" I shout at them. "Very well" says Elijah as he unlocks our chains. "What are you doing brother! Being nice won't get us anywhere, the only way is to torture the information out of them !" Says Klaus.
I hear loud footsteps and see a blond girl walk in. "What are you doing to these poor kids!" Says the girl. "Rebekah sister, please leave us" Elijah says as he walks up to her and moves her hair out of her eyes". I think to myself wow what a lovely name. Rebekah vamp speeds to Laura who was crying and hugs her, assuring her that she will not be harmed as long as Rebekah's in the room.
I look at Klaus and ask him " why are you being so rude and manipulative, I will tell you everything u want to know, as I have nothing to hide". Rebekah proceeds to ask " what's so special about these girls", Klaus says while pointing at me "her last name is Mikealson". Elijah then looks at Klaus and sais " it is rude to point at someone brother", he then looks at Rebekah and says " look at there cloths, don't they seem oddly familiar". Rebekah looks at Laura and me from head to toe and says " what's your mother's name ?" And I say " my mom's name is Esther".
Hearing that name made two other people enter the room. Everyone looks shocked, and the room was filled with silence. Until Laura breaks the silence asking the girl that just walked in " is your name Freya ?", "yes it is" says Freya. I immediately ask "do u know where are your siblings? ", Freya was about to answer until Laura hugs her saying " I've heard so much stories about you, I hoped to see you one day and I did ! You inspired me to continue practicing magic !". I start to say "is Mikeal actually dead", Klaus looks at me and demands "how do you know that ?!" , i say " because mom said that we'll wake up when he's dead". Laura says "wait, are you lying. Freya is supposed to be with dahlia. Where is she ?".
Suddenly I feel cold air on my face and I quickly grab Laura and run. I see a house. I tell Laura " get ready to do a cloaking spell".