This story is gonna talk about why you weren't with the originals for the past 1000 years and what happens when u finally wake up and find them. Turns out you're the lost sister...
You will also go to school as a normal person, trying not so hard to...
Hello please keep reading, I promise it gets better. It will confuse u at first but trust me u'll like what happens.
You suddenly wake up, trapped in a coffin. You open it with weakness and confusion. The last thing you remember was your mom hugging you. You get out and find yourself in a room with 2 windows and a locked door, u look outside to see that it was dark. You turn around and see another coffin, you decide to open it and see you're best friend Laura ( who's a witch ) still sleeping. suddenly she wakes up gasping for air, she looks at you and realized what happened. You run into each other's arms to hug.
Somehow your body wasn't desiccated, you realized that it was because of ur mother who put you and Laura into a deep sleep in order to protect you from the your father.
However you didn't quite understand why your mother did the same to your best friend as well, you couldn't think strait and the urge for blood started coming to you. You look at Laura telling her about your cravings, she offers her hand to help your urge, but you refuse, not wanting to hurt her. She then looks at you with worry in her eyes as you start to desiccate faster than a vampire should.
She tells u not to worry, as she does a spell to open the door, unfortunately the spell failed since both of you were exhausted and weak. Laura notices the windows and tells you to jump and go feed. That's exactly what you did without a second thought. Laura then climbed behind you slowly, you were already far away, running towards a house that looked odd to them since they were asleep for a 1000 years.
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Y/n POV: Barely making to the house, I knock without any energy, feeling myself getting weaker and weaker. Finally after a couple of knocks, the door opens, I see a man wearing something weird, it looked nice and I tried to enter and failed, something was blocking me, like an invisible wall. I was so confused and I heard a voice say from behind
"You do know there is a doorbell right"
I look confused and try to again to enter. The man wearing the fancy looking clothes looks at me and says " how may I help you ?"
I look at him with desperate eyes and say " I'm sorry" I then attempted to run in, just so that I can be stopped by the invisible wall and I start to desiccate even more. Luckily by that time Laura was next to me, catching me while falling. I look at her eyes as I take my last blink, they looked sad and desperate just like I was. She does a spell and senses the presence of human hearts beating far away, I could tell her becoming scared and saying
" y/n they are not humans"
I was too weak to sense their kind. Laura looks at the man and says " sorry for disturbing you"
the man says "please call me Elijah" ,
Laura looks at him with fear and desperation in her eyes "you're like her, please help us. We will leave and never come back, we can forget what happened, but please help us" Laura says with tears falling down.
"Please come in, I will get you some blood bags" says Elijah.
"Thank you so much" says Laura with happy tears.
Elijah proceeds to vamp speed to the basement and grab 3 blood bags. He hands them to Laura and she squeezed them into my mouth. As soon as the blood touched my lips, I felt relieved and power. As soon as I was able to stand up, I started thanking Elijah for his kind gesture and help even tho I tried to kill him. In the middle of talking, I snap into a vision.
I see my mom, I yell "mom!"
She doesn't answer, I repeated "mom! It's y/n"
she looks at me and tells me " I'm sorry hunny, i never intended for you and Laura to be in a sleep spell for that long".
I ask "how long were we out"
she says "almost a thousand years"
I yell in shock "A THOUSAND YEARS, why were we asleep for so long !?"
She answers saying "I programmed this spell to wake you as soon as it was safe, when ur father mikeal dies. But I had no idea it would take a thousand years for him to die"
I replied saying "but that means your dead and I'm all alone with Laura."
Esther replied saying "listen to me very closely, you are not alone. You have to find your siblings, as they are alive".