This story is gonna talk about why you weren't with the originals for the past 1000 years and what happens when u finally wake up and find them. Turns out you're the lost sister...
You will also go to school as a normal person, trying not so hard to...
Laura looks at me with anger "I told you I can't". And awkward silence begins while running. Suddenly I fall and Laura with me, on the ground I look at Laura with tears filling in my eyes as I watch her stand up and give me her hand. While taking her help and standing up I say " how come I've never seen this bracelet before", "what bracelet" Laura says. I look at her arm and say "This one". She looks and says "I didn't put it on" and rips the bracelet. I hear a voice in the distance, I grab Laura and vamp speed to the nearest house.
We arrived, i knock on the door but no one answers, Laura gets frustrated and knocks like me. I look at her with a face expression that was like wow I did that too. 5 minutes later I try to knock again but the door opens while my hand was in the air. I see a tall man and stare at his beautiful ocean eyes, Laura noticed me speechless and talk " please may we come in". The man says no and slams the door at our face. I look at Laura ready to attack and eat. But my face expression changes as I listen with my supernatural hearing abilities a women yelling Damon that wasn't nice, and footsteps approach the door. The door opens and the women invites us in, "thank you so much, if I may please ask for your name ?" says i. The women turns "Hi, I'm Elena Gilbert. What's your name ?" Says Elena with a smile on her face. "My name is y/n and this is my best friend Laura" I say with a smile on my face, Laura smiles while stepping foot in the house after me. Another man holding a woman's hand walks in "brother who r these girls ?" Says the man. Damon was about to talk but Elena cuts him off " This is y/n and this is Laura", "say hi Stefan" Damon says sarcastically. Stefan looks at me and says "Hello". The woman with him quickly runs to us and shakes our hand " Hi I'm Caroline Forbes, and I love giving makeover. Can I give you girls one ?" Caroline says while looking at our outfits. Laura agrees and the three of us go upstairs. While going up the stairs I trip and fall, I hear another woman speaking in a mean voice " have you never used the stairs before" and laughs. Caroline looks at the woman and yells " Katherine that is not nice of you to say, clearly they need our help" Katherine starts walking to us slowly and says "i want to help this one" and points at me. —————————————————— What you girls were wearing
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—————————————- What Caroline picked for Laura :
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What Katherine picked for y/n :
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( you refused to wear pants since it still wasn't normal for you ). ———————————————— The 4 of us were walking down the stairs to show everyone and Laura felt happy and gave sift girl vibes with her outfit, she did a little twirl. And I felt good, I realized I liked Katherine's style, we were matching vibes. Elena and Bonnie applauded for Laura after spinning. Katherine takes my hand and pulls me towards her and says "so how did you become a vampire". Everyone stares and I say "mom made me" Damon asks "where is your mom now", Laura says "dead, everyone is dead she's the only one I have left", I add "but apparently I have siblings, I don't know them yet". Bonnie touches Laura and says "your a witch aren't you" Laura agrees. Stefan asks "y/n what your full name ?" And I answer "y/n Mikealson" everyone gasps. I look at them with confusion and I say worriedly "what, what's wrong, was it something I said ?".
Katherine was about to talk but the door flies and the original family walks in. Katherine and Damon quickly vamp speeds to us and hides us. Klaus yells "you have something I want !".