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Half a bottle down and my body feels as though it is floating. Hawks hasn't come to join us as of yet. By the time he does decide to join, this bottle of wine will be no longer. She should've brought two, to be honest.

"You," Mirko says, staring at me intensely.

"Yes," I answer, topping our glasses back up.

"I have a question."

"Go on."

"Hawks -"

"Nope." I cut her off. "I'm not having this conversation again."

She groans throwing her head back. "C'mon, entertain me. Please (y/n)."

"There is a time and place for that conversation and it's not here or now." 

"Tomorrow? Over lunch?" She asks.




"When you sort your villain problem out?"

I sigh. "Fine, yes. When I am no longer treated like a villain by the other heroes. I will have this conversation with you."

She slams her hand down on the table. "I will start brainstorming and figuring out a plan. I'm sure Hawks will be keen to help."

"What am I being dragged into?" He asks, stepping outside. He is wearing sweats and a tight shirt.

I think I will be having that conversation with myself later before I can talk to anyone else about it. He sits down next to me, taking a sip from my wine glass. Nodding his head in approval.

"We need to come up with a plan to get rid of (y/n) villain persona." Mirko fills him in.

He taps his chin, leaning back in his seat. "I do have an appearance at UA at the end of the week. We can use that as a baby step. If we can convince the kids, the heroes should come around a little easier. Maybe even getting you to interact with some of the students."

I raise my eyebrows. "That doesn't sound like a bad plan at all. I would be happy to come along with you."

"Good, do you have your hero costume?" Hawks asks.

"I do. I'll be right back." I say getting up. 

I walk inside and head into my room. I pull a hoodie on and a pair of black tights. I've never had a costume made for me, when I was a villain I wore whatever I could find.

Waiting paitently outside, Hawks and Mirko faces drop when they see me. I hold a thumbs up with a fake smile.

"I feel that was a dumb question to ask you," Mirko says.

"It kind of was. I'm not under any agency, didn't go to any special hero school so there is no way I would have one."

Hawks rubs his hands together with a smirk on his face. "This is great, we can go and get you one made."

Mirko wiggles her eyebrows at me. "That sounds fun. We could pick the design for you, make you look like the sexiest hero out there."

I deadpan and sigh. "No way I'm letting either of you pick the design. I will be doing that. Just tell me where I need to go."

"You can pick but I'm going with you," Hawks says, taking another sip from my glass. "I need to make sure it's perfect."

I point to my glass. "Do you want to just finish that off for me?" I ask sarcastically.

"Thanks, I had already sat down and didn't want to get back up for a glass." He admits.

I roll my eyes before grabbing another glass from the kitchen. I pour another glass for myself, finishing the bottle off. Mirko stands. 

"I'll go grab us another one. Be back soon." She gives me a quick wink before leaving.

"So, when should we get this costume made for me?"

"Tomorrow at the latest. We need to give them a couple of days to get it made and fitted." He explains. "Can you do tomorrow lunchtime?"

"That should be fine. 

"Good, I'm looking forward to this." 

"So am I. I can't wait to be free of my past."

Mirko returns two more bottles and our night resumes. Filled with laughter, bad jokes, and the mention of my sad love life. Which Hawks doesn't include himself in on, just listens to Mirko tell him about all my past flings and short-lived boyfriends.

One moment I remember stumbling into bed, having someone pull the blankets over me and the next I'm sitting upright screaming.

My heart beating rapidly as I frantically try to figure out where I am. Everything is pitch black. I can't see where I am. Sweat pours down my body.

A loud bang fills my ears and light flood in. A figure stands in a doorway. I back up as they run over to me. I'm suddenly grabbed by my arms.

"(y/n), it's me. Keigo." The voice reassures me.

"Keigo," I whisper reaching a shaky hand up to his face. "Is that you?"

"It's really me, you're okay. I think you had a nightmare." He turns on my bedside lamp, his eyes are fixed on me. "Take some slow deep breaths."

I nod and try to do so. The air in my lungs feels like concrete not wanting to move. He gently rubs my back, helping me to calm down.

"I'm sorry." I get out through my hard breaths.

He shakes his head furiously. "Do not apologise. As long as your okay, that's all that matters."

"I'm sorry." I apologise again.

"Okay but please stop apologising." He pulls me into his chest a little, still rubbing my back. 

It feels so nice and I feel the weight in my chest lift. I close my eyes and listen to the even thumping of his heart against my ear. 

"Thank you," I whisper.

"It's alright. I'll stay here and wait for you to fall back to sleep."

I move away from him and lie back down, pulling the blankets up around my shoulders. "I bet you weren't expecting this when you offered for me to move in with you?"

He shrugs smiling down at me. "You think this is bad, wait until you see me in spring."

I close my eyes once again. "What happens in spring?"

"Nothing you need to worry about but I'm sure you will see in due time."

"That doesn't sound ominous at all." A croak up a laugh. "Thank you for being by my side."

"I wasn't going to let you scream my house down. The neighbours might get concerned about my nightly activities." 

A smile pulls at my lips. "That's not what I meant. Thank you for being my friend and taking a chance with me."

"Thanks for letting me be your friend." He whispers. "Now go to sleep before I have to smother you with your own pillow."

We both laugh and soon sleep takes over. Pulling me away, no more screaming, no more fear.

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