Twenty Four

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Hawks barely leaves my side as I get changed into my hero costume. His hands never miss a chance to touch my bare skin. He assaults my neck with kisses in every attempt to make me stay behind with him. He is almost convincing.

I place my hands on his cheek, squishing his face a little. "I need to go now but I will be back as soon as I can be," I reassure him.

His hands dig into my hips as he stares deeply into my eyes. "No." He fights me.

"Yes," I answer back before pressing a light kiss to his forehead.

My hands drop away from his face and he takes this chance to bury his face in my neck. I softly run my hand up and down his back, doing my best to avoid his wings. I don't want to leave him when he's like this but I have to go.

I gently push him away and I can instantly see the sadness in his eyes but he makes no attempt to stop me. I start walking towards the door. He is right on my heel. Opening the door, Endeavor is leaning against the wall waiting. I'm kind of surprised he actually waited. 

"About time." He mumbles.

I take one step out the door and Hawks grabs onto my arm. I sigh and look back at him, knowing that I shouldn't be wasting this much time.

"I'll call you if anything happens or if we need you," I reassure him.

He takes a deep breath in and nods but doesn't say anything. He pulls me into a deep kiss, grabbing my ass. The slightest of moans leaves me as he sticks his tongue in my mouth. His eyes are wide open and are glaring at Endeavor. If looks could kill, we'd be another hero short.

He slowly pulls away, letting his hand drop away from my arm. "Be safe."

I gently close the door, flashing him a warm smile. His bright golden eyes watch me until the very end. 

Endeavour and I waste no time in getting to his agency, other heroes are already waiting for us. Fatgum gives me a small nod in acknowledgement as I come to stand beside him. I recognise a couple of students from UA. What are they doing here?

"The League of Villains are planning to attack just on sunset this evening. This is what our agent has informed us of anyway." Endeavour states.  "We have brought in some of UA's heroes to be backups. They will be placed with you, (y/n)."

I place a hand on my hip and raise an eyebrow at him. "I was brought in as backup. You made me leave Hawks at home, in that state, just to use me as a backup."

His eyes narrow. "Be glad we even called you in. You're not even considered an actual hero."

My eye twitches but I keep my composure. "Nice to know how you feel but your plan has one little flaw."

"And, what would that be?" Endeavour challenges me, so sure of himself.

"If you place those students with me, you risk them getting killed," I say. "Dabi has a bone to pick with me and I know he won't hesitate to take down anyone who gets in his way."

"Then make sure he doesn't." He snaps. "One villain shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

I cross my arms over my chest, the darkness already leaking onto the floor. Fatgum takes a step away from me. The three students watch me carefully.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." I spit as I turn my attention to the students. "So, I'm taking all three?" I ask.

Walking the street, the sun is close to setting. Two of the three UA students walk on either side of me. Bakugou and Kirishima. Endeavour was adamant about taking his son, Shoto, with him. If the kid is anything like his father, it was probably a good choice.

"How are you liking being a hero?" Kirishima asks out of the blue.

"Good, so much paperwork though," I explain.

"Where's Hawks? I thought they would've brought him in as well to help." Bakugou asks, his eyes still scanning the area.

"He's not... feeling well." I give a lame excuse.

Bakugou's eyes come back to me, they narrow even more. "That sounds like bullshit to me."

My mouth falls open a little. "He's got some things he's dealing with at the moment."

"Is that why you got mad at Endeavor when he said he only called you in for backup?" Kirishima asks.

"Exactly why I got mad. I don't care about being backup, it's the fact that Hawks needs me around at the moment."

Bakugou suddenly stops, making me become aware of our surroundings. The sun has vanished behind the mountains and the land is getting darker. But his focus is on me, on my neck to exact.

"Have you been fighting with someone? Looks like they bit you." He says.

I clear my throat and pull the collar of my hood up a little more, covering the bite marks that Hawks left of me. When I left home, I made sure they couldn't be seen. Looks like my hoodie shifted once I started moving around more.

"Oh, yeah. It was some villain who tried to take a chunk out of me." I explain.

"You've got another one of this side as well." Kirishima points out.

My face at this point is bright red, I start walking again. "I know where they are, thank you boys but you don't need to point them out."

"Oh Dovey, don't you want to tell the children about the birds and the bees." A voice from above taunts. 

All of the attention snaps up to a balcony where Dabi stands. He leans over the railing looking down on us. I push the two boys behind me.

"I'd rather not right now. It's good to see you, Dabi."

A smile pulls at his lip as he jumps down from the balcony. He straightens up, tilting his head to the side. "Made a decision on my offer yet?" A blue flame rises from his hand. "Or do I have to kill you?"

"Oh, I've made my decision alright," I say with a smirk.

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