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Weird to start a book with 'Goodbyes', I know but here it's for the best. 

Walking through the campus corridor probably for the last time, all the memories she shared along with her friends, seniors and juniors came running in her mind. 'All the days and some beautiful nights spent in this campus, making even more beautiful memories were the best days of my life. If I had to trade them for something even more beautiful I would act as if I couldn't hear them making that bargain because these are the un-tradable memories of my life. I would surely miss this place, the feeling of being a student, the feeling of being treated as a child even though everyone in here has crossed 20. I will surely miss this short time of my life which made my life look like a beautiful and colorful butterfly.' She thought in her mind. 

She entered her now-old classroom and looked at the seat she used to sit. The middle row - middle seat. That was her own seat in a way; it was like she owned it because that's where she sat from the first day of the class to the last, even when others sat in different seats every day.

 That was her own seat in a way; it was like she owned it because that's where she sat from the first day of the class to the last, even when others sat in different seats every day

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She turned around and sat on the writing desk facing the board and that's when she noticed something written on the board. "How long have you come? How long do you have to go?" She read it out loud. "How long have I come? Long enough to call it long." She said. "How long do I have to go? Long enough to make it longer." She said still looking at the board not noticing someone's presence near the door.

" She said still looking at the board not noticing someone's presence near the door

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"Absorbing the last few minutes of staying in the campus huh, Miss. Min Yuji?" He asked. "Oops! You caught me red handed, Mr. Jeon Jungkook" She said smiling, raising her hands in the air showing an 'I surrendered' look. Jungkook shook his head and sat on the desk along with her facing the board.

"Seems like someone is going to miss this University too much." He teased. "YAH! It's the truth. Don't tease me." She pouted, whining. "Well it's the truth, you hated coming to the Uni except for robotics and programming classes and now look at you being all 'Oh! I'm going to miss my campus' drama." He said imitating her. Yuji has always been a very bright student more like a merit student but she isn't a girl who buries herself in loads and loads of books and stays home all the time doing some homework. She is an outgoing, fun filled person, she lightens and brightens up your day with just a smile. She may not be a party freak but that doesn't mean she isn't fun, she has her own ways of entertainment and fun. She is a unique girl, not everyone can be her 'cause she is 'limited edition' just like her brother – Min Yoongi aka 'AUGUST-D'.

"Well once it's over, that's when you feel all the memories rushing in you and making you feel all giddy, just like the way when you are the top of a rollercoaster which is about to move downwards in a very fast and swift motion." Yuji cleared her part explaining her inner feelings.

"And that is so very true." Someone said. They turned their heads towards the door only to be met with their professor. "Professor Kim." They said happily. Prof.Namjoon came in and gave them a big smile. 

"Guess what do you get when you shake a cow? Milk shake." Saying this someone else also entered the classroom. "Cut it out Prof.Jin" Namjoon said making the latter give him a death glare.

"So, how are my favourite students?" Namjoon asked. "Our" Jin corrected. "Right. Our." Namjoon said making Jin happy. "Well we are good, except for the fact that we are going to miss our precious professors." Yuji said winking, making both the professors to show their happy and proud faces. "Aww ~ we will miss you too." Jin cooed. "Btw guess what?" Jin asked. "What?" Yuji asked. "Why can't you party in space?" Jin asked making Namjoon face palm himself. "Why?" Jungkook asked eagerly. "Because you have to Planet.(Plan-it)" Jin said. Jungkook got the joke and started laughing. Yuji was just, well blank. Namjoon groaned and said "I wonder how we even came from the same mother?" Jin was about to protest but there came a cheerful voice. 

"MIN YUJI!" the person shouted making Yuji almost fall down from the desk. They turned their head and "PARK JIMIN!" she shouted running and hugging the blond haired boy. "Missed me?" Jimin asked. They last saw each other in Jimin's PHD Graduation day , she nodded in his embrace but she was peeled off of him in a second because she clinged to him like a leech by none other than Min Yoongi.

"YOONGI OPPA" she again shouted hugging her brother. He hugged her back and then pulled away acting as if he was hurt. "Yah! How could you not hug your own brother before hugging your best friend?" He fake sulked. "Oh! Yoongi oppa, I didn't see you. Sorry." She said. "How can you not see me?" Yoongi questioned. "Because you are short, hyung." Jungkook teased him. This boy wouldn't let go of any chance to tease his hyungs

"Yah Kook! Say sorry." Said another voice. "Oh! Hobi hyung. Hehe sorry Yoongi hyung." Jungkook said not at all meaning his own words. Yoongi just shook his head in defeat and gave him a smile only after shooting him a glare which made Jungkook to smile awkwardly. "Senior Hyung." Jimin said bowing at him. "Wait wait. Did I mishear or did you just say 'Senior Hyung'?" Jin asked. "Well, yeah I call him 'Senior Jung' when we are at work other than that I call him 'Senior Hyung'. It rhymes too." Jimin said making everyone's lips go in a shape of 'O' except Jimin and Hobi.

Everyone started catching up on their lives and other stuffs. "So JK what are you gonna do next? What is your future plan?" Namjoon asked him. "Well, I got an appointment letter from Techno Park, asking me to be one of their main programmers. I considered the offer so.." He trailed off. "Isn't Techno Park the sister company of Techno Corp?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah." Hobi answered. "What about you Yuji? What are your future plans?" Jin asked her. "I too got an appointment, from Techno Corp. They asked me work under their Robotics department." She said happily. "SO YOU ARE GONNA WORK WITH US?? YESS!" Jimin and Hobi shouted together. "BTW what did you tell them?" Jungkook asked. "She said yes." Yoongi answered for her making everyone congratulate them.

Soon it was time for them to leave so they shared their goodbyes. Jungkook hugged Yuji and whispered. "I don't regret anything." She knew what he was saying so she said. "So do I." Jungkook smiled and kissed her forehead and went away with Hobi. They both liked each other from a very long time and finally they got together but they were too shy to express their love, they would talk very rarely and would only share a few eye contacts and some shy glances with rosy cheeks. Considering the fact that they have not even kissed each other once was enough to show how shy they were to make a move. Their friends made a joke out of it saying that their lips were 'Virgin' since they didn't have their real first kiss yet. So finally they decided to break up and live as friends. Everything was back to normal. There was no awkwardness within them and they became very good friends like they used to and they are both satisfied and happy with it. Who knows what the future holds, right?

"Are you ready to work lil sis?" Yoongi asked giving her a side-hug waving at Hobi and Jungkook. Only one word rolled out of her tongue making Jimin and Yoongi smile widely at the girl beside them.




Ready to meet Taehyung? *wink*

Not so soon. *sly smirk*

Maybe in the next or the 3rd chapter?

Who knows what the future holds right?

Thank you for reading. Make sure to vote and comment. Don't be a silent reader. 

Meet you in the next chapter.

Until then Bye. *waves*


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