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(long chapter folks.)

"Dr.PJM, you are telling me, what is behind that door, this instant or else the results are not going to be good." She threatened him. Jimin shook his head and went back to work. "Ugghhhh!" She let out a frustrated (trustfrated) groan. "You're gonna pay for ignoring me, Jimin-shi" She said in a scary tone. Jimin being Jimin, he tried not to laugh at her and make her more mad at him. Once she left him alone, he burst out into laughter making other people around him stop their work and burst into a fit of giggles.

You must be thinking 'Why did everyone laugh, when she threatened him? Isn't everyone supposed to be sweating bullets right now, including Jimin?' Well the answer is NO. This has been happening for the past seven days, more precisely a week. It's been two whole weeks since Yuji joined 'Techno Corp'. She has become everyone's favourite person. Everyone adores her and her behavior. She literally became the 'Talk of the Town' but more like 'Talk of the Techno Corp'. Even though she works at the robotics department, every department in that company knows her. So after her training week – which is the first week of the new employee – she was given a project.

"Senior Jung, you said you wanted to meet us?" Jimin asked after entering his senior's cabin and taking a seat. "Yes. Dr.PJM and DR.MYJ, we have something for you." He said. "Something for us? What is it Senior?" Yuji asked. "Well, it's nothing much, but it's a project. Your first project to be precise." He said making Jimin frown. "But Senior Jung, it's not just some project is it? It's something-"Jimin got cut off by his senior's words. "Big? Yes it is. You guessed it right Doctor. It's not just big but it's pretty confidential one too. You have to be very careful with this project because this project is connected with the cops working in Seoul. It is one of the special request assignments. It has to be handled with care because; there is only one of it. And we have it. Here" He finished. "But Senior Jung, umm, why me? I mean don't get me wrong, I would love to work for this special project but when there are even more skilled people, why chose me?" She asked her question sounding more curious than how her face may seem right now. She had her elbows resting on the table and her feet were shaking. Not due to her nervousness but because of her excitement.

"Your seniors may seem to more skilled but they are in the position of seniors because of their experience. You see, in here, very little youngsters work as seniors that is because they are capable of it. They have the knowledge and skill for being the seniors. But the rest of them are Seniors just because of their age. But that doesn't mean they don't contribute to the growth of Techno Corp." He took a pause.

"You see." He pointed at them, "People like Jimin and Yuji, are the people this company needs. We need you as a person and not just your skills and labour. We need both of it. You guys have that technology and skill and the work-force to do the job. That is the main reason we chose you. You see, Techno Corp used to rank people according to age and experience rather than skill. But that was in the past. Now it uses the method of skill, that's why little by little people according to skill are being chosen as Seniors. Senior is not just being the elder one. It's like a tag given to those who deserve to lead. Just like when your grandfathers tell you something and you do it. It's not just because they are seniors, its because they deserve to lead." He took a pause again.

"What I'm trying to tell you is that, you deserve to lead. You are skilled and talented. We need people like you and that's why we choose you."

He finishes his sentence and looked at them again. Jimin's and Yuji's eyes were wide open making their Senior want to laugh at them. They just asked a simple question 'Why Me?' and here they got a 250 word-limited essay on 'Why me'. Great. "OH! MY GOD! SENIOR JUNG!" Jimin shouted. Making the rest of the two to break away from their trance. "What is it Jimin?" Senior Jung asked him drinking his coffee. "Senior Jung, you are my most adored and most favourite Senior. Guess why?" He asked excitedly. "Why?" the latter asked him. "Because you opened my eyes." Jimin said happily. "So all this time your eyes were closed?" Yuji asked making her Senior laugh and the latter to pout.

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