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She sat near the window in the bus. She looked outside and saw people rushing to get to their jobs. 'From tomorrow I would be one of them.' She thought in her mind smiling and shaking her head. She leaned on the window still facing the window. She was listening to some songs and enjoying the ride rather than being nervous about her interview. She wasn't a bit anxious but she was excited to work. Well who is excited for work? I surely wouldn't be. But this is her dream job, she has always wanted to do things in a different way. When girls at the age of 5 used to play with their dolls, she would play with her robots. When girls sit at home and dress up and apply make-up, she used to be out with her brother and his best friend at Daegu running in the fields of their hometown and climbing trees. Those were the little funs of her life. Turning back, she feels like her life would be incomplete without her brother, because when her parents ask her to be more girly her brother makes her more boy-ish. She would not be what she is today without her brother. Even though they fight a lot, they still love each other. Because at the end of the day even when everyone leaves you, he will still be by your side, caring for you, fighting with you and maybe even fighting for you.

The bus came to a stop once the traffic light turned red. She looked to the front for a second but turned to face the window again. Her eyes locked with a board of a random shop. 'STOP-BY ARTS AND CRAFTS', it read. She saw someone coming out, she squinted her eyes to see the person but the light turned green and the bus moved again followed by the horns of the vehicles. She shrugged it off and continued staring out the window.

(listen to 'Still with you' by Jungkook to know what I'm trying to convey)

Once the bus halted at her stop, she got down opening her umbrella and started walking towards her new 2nd home, which is none other than her new workplace. The soft pitter-patter of the rain mixed with the soft beats of the music playing in her ear-buds making it more beautiful. The rainy season was one of her favourite seasons. She loved the rain, when everyone thought rain refers to being someone sad or that it's always brings gloomy feeling, she thought different. She thought that, rain cleans every one inside – out. It sets an example that even we have to feel different emotions, not just happiness. And we have to express these feelings to find out our true self. No one can be always happy nor can someone be always depressed.

It was a 5 minute walk from the bus stop. She soon reached the building, she was about to call Jimin but she saw his car parked outside. The engine was turned on, she could see it slightly purring. She walked towards it thinking it might be one of Jimin's friends. What would Jimin do in his car during office hours? He should be working right? She walked towards the driver seat and Oh boy she wrong. She saw Jimin himself in his car. Sleeping? 'Oh Jimin. You got the wrong person to wake you up' She thought in her mind and opened the car door making Jimin fall to the ground with a small squeal. "OMG! WHO THE F-" "No swearing" Yuji said making him shut his mouth.. "What are you doing here?" He asked her. "Aren't I supposed to ask you that? What are you in your car during work hours?" She asked him. "Hehe. I was playing with my ex-room-mate. Late at night games y'know." He said scratching the back of his neck. "No I don't" she said crossing her hands near her chest asking him to continue his 'explanation'. "I was waiting for you and I..." he trailed off. "You slept." She completed it for him. "Yeah. Kind-of." He said, a shade of light pink dusting his cheeks due to embarrassment. "It's ok. Let's go. I'm not going to report you." She said pulling him along with her to walk under the umbrella because he was getting slightly wet due to the rain. "Fine fine" He said walking along with her. "BTW, what does your ex-room-mate do?" She asked curiously. "He is an artist." Jimin said. "Cool, make me meet him at some point of time." She said, she has always been interested in arts, and she loved to talk to artists and know their point-of-view of paintings they create.

Jimin moved in to Seoul from Bussan for his studies. He had to rent a shared apartment so he had a roommate, even after moving from there, they kept in touch. That's how friendships last. "And when do you wanna meet him?" Jimin asked. "Hmm. Whenever I am free." She replied. "Ok." Jimin said pulling her in the opposite side of the way she was going. "This way to the meeting hall." He said.

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