RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 7: Chapter 11

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-F/n POV-

You stood in shock at what was happening.

You: I'm an ice dragon...

Bella snapped her fingers, but nothing happened.

Bella: What?! Why isn't this working?! Dammit Arthur!

You flew with lightning speed at Bella. Your arm was surrounded in a huge chunk of ice. You punched her in the chest and the ice shattered. She was sent flying through a building, and you quickly ran to Lace, who was crying over Emily.

Lace: S-She's not waking up!

Lace grabbed Emily's hand and held it tightly.

Lace: Please don't leave me...

Emily shifted a bit and Lace gasped.

You: She's still breathing. Her aura is broken, you need to take her somewhere safe.

Lace: But what about Bel-

You: I will take care of Bella. You need to get Emily out of here. If we succeed with taking this parasite out, she'll need a good chunk of her aura.

The rubble where Timber and his armor were started moving. You quickly stood in front of Lace and Emily and growled. Timber rose from the rubble and smashed some ice off of his arm.

Timber: W-What happened? Why am I under all this rubble?

You breathed a sigh of relief. You ran over to him and helped him up.

You: How are you feeling?

Timber: Confused...I see you've unlocked your dragons blood.

Timber saw Lace and Emily and quickly ran over to them.

Timber: What the hell happened?!

Lace hesitated with her answer.

Lace: You-

You: It's Bella. She's here and she attacked us.

Timber: She's here?!

You: Yes, and we need to get Lace and Emily out of here.

Lace: What about you two? What if she...if she...kills you...?

Timber: Lace.

Timber knelt down and pulled Lace into a hug.

Timber: We will be fine.

You: We need you both far away from here so you can recharge your auras. Once Emily wakes up and gets enough aura she can heal you and herself.

Lace wiped some tears and nodded.

Lace: Please be safe...both of you...

You: We will be. Get yourselves to safety.

The ground started to rumble, and Timber quickly hopped in his armor. You both turned around to see Bella, fire surrounding her.

You: Get out of here Lace! Go!

Lace quickly picked up Emily and ran away. You saw Timber trembling and you laid a hand on his shoulder.

You: It's okay to be scared. But remember, that's not Bella. That's a grimm.

Timber nodded but never took his eyes off of Bella. Bella quickly dashed towards you both, and you engaged in combat. Timber threw a flurry of punches, eventually releasing his claws and slashing away. Bella blocked them all, but you used your ice powers to freeze her arms, making them drop. Timber quickly sent a quick uppercut to Bella and she was launched back. She growled loudly and melted the ice on her arms. 2 long spikes of ice formed on your arms and you ran towards Bella, with Timber following behind. You swung your spikes at Bella, but she dodged and sent a kick to your chest. Timber tackled Bella to the ground, but she quickly grabbed his armor and sent fire through it. Timber yelled in pain and hopped back, hopping out of his armor. Bella used this opening to punch him with a flaming fist. He fell to one knee and Bella prepared to slam her fist down, but Timber back flipped out of the way, kicking her in the chin. You used your wings to fly towards her and shoulder charge her. She was hit and went crashing into a giant billboard. You flew towards her, ready to attack again, but she was glowing red. You stopped and heard a charging sound, but before you could fly away, a huge explosion blasted and hit you, sending you crashing to the ground. Bella wasted no time, so she quickly flew straight down near Timber and slammed the ground, creating a giant fiery shockwave. Timber put his arms up, but the fire was too hot and the skin on his arm started to sizzle. Bella sent a flurry of punches and kicks towards him. He was barely able to block them all. His armor quickly pounced on Bella and slammed its fist down, but she moved and it punched the ground. Bella smirked and grabbed the armors head and superheated it, causing Timber to to grab his head and yell in pain. You growled and flew towards Bella again, but she quickly hit you with a ball of fire. You were sent back and her attention went straight to Timber, who was still on the ground holding his head. She smirked and a flame lit in her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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