RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 7: Chapter 2

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You all sat on the airship, dread weighing heavy in the air. It was you guys, and another man with a dark brown ponytail and bushy facial hair, but you didn't pay attention to him. You looked at Timber and nudged him with your shoulder.

You: Can't you use your semb-

Timber: Quiet!

He yelled in a whisper. You sighed and leaned your head against the wall.

Ruby: Where do you think they're taking us?

Qrow: I'm gonna go with jail.

Jaune: Still can't believe that fishing pole guy took us out like it was nothing.

Weiss: Welcome to Atlas. Those were Ironwood's Ace Operatives.

The bearded man looked at Weiss and spoke up.

???: You guys ran into the Ace Ops? Ironwood must really have a bone to pick with you.

Weiss: They're not that big of a deal.

???: Not that big of a deal?! The Ace Ops are the elite of elite military Huntsmen! And Ironwood's personal attack dogs.

Nora: So they got you too huh?

The man scoffed.

???: I wouldn't let myself get caught by them! I'm here because I've been speaking out against Atlas' exploitation of Mantle. And General Ironwood is trying to silence me!

One of the pilots spoke up.

Pilot: You threw a brick at our ship.

???: It's worth it if it gets people talking about our cause!

Blake: Our cause?

???: Yes, the fight for better conditions in Mantle! Lead by the talented, charismatic, lovely, Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses!

You: Happy. Huntresses??

???: Yes! They were all top graduates of Atlas academy! But instead of signing into the Atlesian Military they stationed here in Mantle! And Robyn is looking to win a spot on the council to put an end to Ironwood's tyranny!

You all were a bit taken aback by his outburst.

Timber: Don't you think tyranny is a little dramatic? The General has had it hard enough ever since Beacon, but from the looks of it news hasn't reached you yet.

The ship started to slow down as you approached a tall castle looking building. Despite the situation, you all stared in awe and how beautiful it was.

Ruby: Woah, it's gorgeous up here.

Weiss: Don't let that fool you.

???: This isn't the police station.

Qrow: It's Atlas Academy.

The ship slowly made its descent and landed, and you were all escorted off, hands still bound together. You looked to your left and saw Fang and Timbers armor. Fang had a muzzle on her snout, and one of the guards was crackling with electricity. Timbers armor still wasn't retaliating in the slightest. 2 guards came down and directed us towards the school.

Ruby: I guess we will be seeing the General. For better or worse.

You were taken into the school and onto a big elevator. As it started rising, the stress rose as well.

Ren: So what do we do?

Ruby: I don't know, but we should be careful what we say.

The elevator doors opened and you were led into a big open room, where you saw Ironwood, Penny, Winter, and a tall, brown haired man with a cheetah tail standing next to her. Penny spotted you.

RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 7Where stories live. Discover now