Playing it Cool

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Kissing Carter was nothing like I would have expected. It was better.

So much better.

The crazy part was, I didn't even think about kissing him three weeks ago. There was something about his kisses that kind of swept me up in them, and in those moments, nothing or no one else matter. I could feel them surge through out every inch of my body, regardless if they were the soft, gentle, playful type or the passionate, hot, have to have you now type. What was even more surprising than how amazing it felt when his lips touched mine, was how completely natural and right it felt. You would think that engaging in such a intimate act with someone that has been in your life since birth might make things a bit awkward, but it was nothing like that. If anything, it added a certain amount of comfort and trust to it.

We had been hooking up every night over the past few days, and I was waiting for that intense, yearning to fade away, but so far, it was just as strong. The most unexpected part was that Carter didn't want to spend every second pressed against each other, but he also wanted to spend time talking. That's right, Carter was passing up the chance for action for some conversation.

We were probably both losing our minds.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Carter asked, breaking away from me.

He started kissing my ear, then traveled down my neck, causing me to lose any train of thought that I previously had. Then, my eyes landed on the clock on Ashley's desk, and my brain was able to escape whatever spell Carter had it under.


He stopped kissing my neck and sat up slightly, leaning his weight on his elbow. He peered down at me, his eyebrows narrowed in confusion.

"You're thinking about Charlotte? Right now?"

"Yes," I said, trying to shove him off of me so I could get up, but I couldn't move his muscular body. He got the hint and rolled off of me, still looking at me with that confused look. "Not like that, you sicko. I am suppose to meet her for a movie in fifteen minutes."

I jumped off the bed, smoothing out my wrinkled shirt, then started to run a brush through my tangled hair.

"Can I come too?"

I applied a layer of lip gloss, trying to stall for time. I wasn't sure how to answer that question. On the one hand, I really wanted him to come. On the other hand, Charlotte still didn't know about…whatever it was we had going on, and being around them at the same time made me feel guilty and nauseous. It was killing me that I couldn't tell her, but considering I was dealing with Carter, I knew there was only two possible outcomes- either she would be thrilled, or she would freak out, with the latter being the most likely.

So until I knew what was going on between us, I was going to be mute about it. For all I knew, I could be one of Carter's flings, so the less people that knew about it, the better. Especially if we didn't want things to be awkward once it has ended.

"Harper?" He asked again, his voice soft. It sounded like my answer was actually going to effect him.

"You can come," I told him quickly, so I wouldn't have time to change my mind.

"Oh yeah?" He walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. "I promise you won't regret it," his voice was gravelly, a tone that always made my knees weak.

I couldn't help but breathe in his scent, and for a second I thought about calling up Charlotte to cancel, so Carter and I could take off where we left off. I shook my head at myself, as the logically side of my brain kicked in.

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