She said, He said

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I showed up at Charlotte's door with a bag of her favorite chocolates in my hand. I knew it looked like a thoughtful gesture, but I had an alternate meaning behind it. I was hoping that somehow showing up with chocolate would make the bombshell of me dating her best friend less traumatic. If that was possible.

I stood in front of her closed door, exhaling deeply, quickly running the pre-planned speech out in my mind. First I would tell her that I wasn't quite how this happened, which wasn't a lie. One second Carter was a friend that spend most of his time annoying me, and suddenly he was someone that I wanted to kiss. All the time.

Then I would tell her that I never wanted to hurt her, which also wasn't a lie. Neither of us wanted to hurt her, which was part of the problem it was so hard to tell her.

I would finish my little speech up by telling her things weren't too serious now, but we wanted to give a relationship a try. Okay, that might have been a slight white lie, but I had to ease Charlotte into this idea slowly. She still thought we could barely stand being in the same room together.

I would also throw in there the fact that she was the best sister anyone could ever ask for. Hey, flattery never hurt anyone.

Right when I was going to raise my hand up to tap lightly on her door, it suddenly opened, and my eyes met a familiar pair of grey ones.

"Hey," she said, giving me a surprised smile. "Where you just standing out here?"

"Yes, I mean, no. I mean, I was just about to knock."

Great, I was already known off, this was not how I planned for things to go.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked her.

"I didn't," she said with a laugh. "I thought I heard something. Come on in."

She held the door open wider, stepping aside so I could walk in her room. It was the complete opposite of Carter's. It was really neat, not a thing out of place, and was decorated soft and girlie. It was the kind of room you could walk around barefoot in and wouldn't have to worry about stepping in any foreign liquids.

"These are for you," I told her, handing her the chocolates.

She gave me a grin and tore open the bag, pulling a piece of chocolate out. Opening the wrapper, she plopped it into her mouth, then tossed the wrapper into a small garbage can. Her eyes closed for a second at the taste, then she opened them back up. "My favorite."

I sat down at her desk, glancing at the framed photo sitting on it. It was of her and Noah, and they looked so happy, so wrapped up in each other. I couldn't help but wonder if Carter and I looked that happy when we were together. I tapped my fingers against her desk, hoping the soft yellow color would bring me good luck. I had picked yellow on purpose, the color of friendship and forgiveness. Or so they say.

"So it's Carter's birthday in two weeks, and I was thinking we could all go out and do something for it," Charlotte said, writing something in her planner.

In the back on my mind I knew his birthday was coming up, yet I felt surprised to hear it was so soon. My family had celebrated his birthday as far back as I could remember, however I didn't have the date engraved in my mind the way Charlotte did. At least, not yet. I couldn't believe he hadn't mentioned anything to me about it.

"Does that sound good?" Charlotte asked, looking up at me over her planner.

I nodded, twirling my hair nervously around my finger. I had to push my feelings about his birthday out of my mind, because I knew that Charlotte had just given me an opening, one I might not get again. I cleared my throat.

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