When it's good, it's good

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I pulled my hand free from Carter's, wiping my sweaty palm against my jeans before I grabbed his hand again, intertwining my fingers with his.

I knew he was probably wondering what I was doing, since it was the sixth time I've done that since we arrived at the restaurant ten minutes ago. I avoided his gaze, instead I studied the colorful murals that were painted on the walls. I knew there was a question behind his eyes, and I also knew it was likely he would ask it.

"Are you nervous?"

Sure enough, there it was.

"Well, yeah," I told him as if it were obvious, because it kind of was. "Aren't you?"

He shook his head, a playful smile spreading across his lips. "It's going to be okay. It's just dinner Charlotte and Noah. We've had dinner with them plenty of times."

"Exactly! We've had dinner with them before, but never like this," I explained, holding up our hands, which were still locked together.

He took a step closer to me, and I automatically inhaled the familiar scent of his cologne. Immediately, my heart started to race and it made my knees a little weak. Being this close to him always put my head in a fog and all I could think about was kissing those lips.

I thought males were the one that had raging hormones.

The sound of the door opening and closing snapped me out of the spell Carter had me under, and my head whipped in that direction.

I was equally relieved and disappointed that it wasn't them.

"Hey," Carter said, his voice deep. He put his finger under my chin, gently pushing it up so our eyes locked. "Did I tell you yet how pretty you look tonight?"

I couldn't help but smile. "You didn't actually. I was quite disappointed in you."

"We can't have that, can we?" He moved his finger from under my chin, and slowly traced it up the side of my face, adding his other fingers. "How can I make it up to you?"

I shivered under his touch. "I don't know," I told him weakly.

"Well, good thing I have an idea." His hands reached the back of my neck, and suddenly he was pulling me against him, his lips on mine.

And just like that, nothing else mattered.

As our kiss grew deeper, I let go of his hand, gripping onto the front of his t-shirt instead. I could feel his heart racing through the thin material, and it made me smile into the kiss. It was nice to know that I had the same effort on him that he had on me.

With his other hand now free, it found its way to the small of my back, and I let out a happy sigh.

With his arms wrapped around me there was seriously no other place in the world I would rather be.

The sound of a throat clearing caused me to pull away from him, and I had a strange sense of déjà vu. Only thing time, instead of looking over to find an angry librarian standing there, it was Charlotte and Noah.

Noah was standing there was a grin, an amused look in his brown eyes. He raised his eyebrow at Carter, as if they were speaking in some kind of guy code.

Charlotte, on the other hand, looked shocked. That is the only word I could think to describe her. Not upset or happy, just shocked.

As I jumped away from Carter, a blush appeared on Charlotte's face and her grey eyes looked a bit embarrassed.

For a long moment, no one spoke. I bite my lip, wondering how we were going to make it through a dinner if we can barely get passed this.

Finally, Noah cleared his throat again. "Sorry we're late," he said in his southern drawl. "I didn't realize the shirt I was wearing had a mustard stain."

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