Chapter 5; "Neglected"

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The next day, I sat in English along with everyone else waiting for Mr. Jackson to come in. As usual, people were talking amongst others , while others send paper balls flying across the air towards each other, sometimes towards me.

Finally, Mr. Jackson entered the room as the bell rang. He stood straight up waiting for the class to quiet down. When they refused to, he decided to get their attention another way.

"Excuse me." He , said loudly.

The class began to talk and rant on.

"EXCUSE ME!" He , roars.

The entire class went silent, some quiet ooo's broke the silence though.

"Now if you don't mind, I'd like to start today's lesson. Today, we are going to talk about neglect. What does it mean when you neglect someone?" He, asked.

"To ignore that person." A voice, answered from the back.

"Basically, yes. Say I have an old phone, right? I used that phone everyday until I find a brand new one. Once I get the new phone, I completely forget about the other phone and continue on with what I have. Wouldn't you consider that neglecting something?" He, asked.

"Yes." Most of the class, responded.

"Now imagine if the old phone was a person. How do you think that person would feel?" He, asked.

"Alone." I, muttered.

He turned his head towards me and gave a little smirk.

"Exactly." He, smiled.

I felt him staring me down, yet I still refused to look up. Once he realized that I wasn't going to look at him, he turned back to the class.

"For homework tonight, I would like for you all to write a 2 paragraph paper on someone you think is being neglected and what you think you can do to change that. It can be on anybody, even yourself if you have to." He, said before the bell rang.

I left that class with the lesson stuck in my head. If anyone knows anything about being neglected, it's me. I've always been ignored. I've always felt alone. It's nothing new though. I've been neglected all my life. Thus, another reason why I hardly let anyone come into my life.

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