Chapter Four

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     Calculus lesson of the day? Learned.

     Homework for the night? Started.

     Bell ringing time? Minutes away...

     "Psst, Lachlan..."

     I knit my eyebrows together and continued on with my homework. What was that sound? I asked myself. Than I heard the whisper again.

     "Psst, Lachlan...!" It sounded more urgent now. I lifted my head and turned quietly to glance behind me at Thomas. He pointed quickly at a question on the homework and mouthed,"I don't know how to do this."

     I sighed and looked at Mr.Sheppard who was to involved on a computer game to notice us talking. I looked down at the question and read it a few times. After I had it in my head, I got Thomas's scratch piece of paper and wrote down the formula and how to do it. When I was finished, Thomas read over what I wrote and smiled. He looked at me and nodded his head in thanks and started working.

     When I was turning back around to get back to my own work, I caught a glimpse of Mr.Sheppard. But he wasn't playing on his computer. He was watching someone.

     It wasn't me because I could tell he wasn't looking in my direction. So, that gave me some comfort. But who was he looking at?

     I shrugged off the urge to find out and started working on my homework again. After I had finished another question, I heard Mr.Sheppard stand up and start walking.

     Along with most of the other kids in the class, I looked up curiously. He didn't seem to care, actually that just made him walk a little faster towards his destination. We all could tell where that was by just looking at the back of the class.

     A lit up phone screen. The Batman Signal of the Teachers.


     The boy obviously didn't hear his name being said, which pissed Mr.Sheppard off a little bit more.

     "Mr.Mosher." He said more firmly.

     This time the boy looked up. When he noticed Mr.Sheppard standing by his desk, his face instantly went red with embarrassment. Mr.Sheppard put out an open palm as an invitation for the phone. At first, the boy was reluctant, but he soon gave it up once it saw Mr.Sheppard getting impatient.

     When he had the phone in his hands he examined it,"iPhone 5? Very new I don't even have one yet. You're a very lucky kid Domonik."

     Domonik gulped and shrugged.

     Mr.Sheppard frowned and unlocked it at the sight of a new text message. Once he read it, he smirked and said,"So 'Domo' your mum wants to know what you would rather eat for dinner."

     Domonik's face got even redder. "What are the options sir?"

     Mr.Sheppard looked at him and asked,"Wendy's or McDonalds?"

     Laughs could be heard from all around the classroom. I had to admit, I let out a small giggle too, but I still felt bad for the kid...

     Mr.Sheppard raised an eyebrow and leaned against Domoniks desk. "So? Which will it be?"

     Domonik shrunk down in his desk and muttered,"I don't know sir..."

     Mr.Sheppard nodded and exclaimed as he replied to the text,"Wendy's it is!"

     More laughs erupted from the classroom, louder though. Domonik glanced next to him at the kid he usually talked to hoping for some support. But, even he was trying to conceal a laugh. This made Domonik get looking like he was on the verge of tears. He was so far sunk in his chair that it looked like it could be under the desk. His face was so red, it could be mistaken for a bright red balloon from afar.

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