Chapter Two

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     "So, Mr.Gates, do you know why you're visiting me today?"

     No! Mr.Sheppard just sent me up here without telling me anything to make it a bloody surprise!

     "Yes sir. It's because of my falling asleep during class." I said through clenched teeth.

     Mr.Royale sighed and leaned back in his chair, his large gut getting stuck under the desk. He intertwined his fingers ontop of his bulge and looked at me unimpressed.

     "Please, elaborate."

     I scratched behind my ear and said,"I'm also paying less attention to schoolwork and lessons..."

     Mr.Royale nodded slowly and cracked his neck. "Could you explain to me why your lacking in your studies, Mr.Gates."

      I sighed in exasperation and muttered,"Well, I don't really want to-"

     "Speak up boy!" The Devil snapped at me. When he shouts, the fat on his chin and neck jiggle. Because of that, I accidently let out a small laugh.

     "What's so funny?"

     I cleared my throat and shook my head,"Nothing Mr.Royale! I was just thinking about a joke my mate told me." He blinked boredly and said in a sarcastic tone,"Well, i'd love to hear about it! But right now, i'd like to know why your issues."

     "I don't really want to talk about it."

     Mr.Royale narrowed his beady eyes and growled,"It's not a question Mr.Gates! It's a demand! Now tell me before I get angry!"

     But you're already angry you fat bastard!

     "Yes sir, sorry sir." I said. I cracked all of my fingers and my neck to calm my nerves. How was I going to explain this to him? "I'm waiting..." He said impatiently. I leaned back in my chair and got comfortable since the story on how all this happened was quite long.

     "Well sir...It started out when I began attending this school in my Junior year."

     And now, here comes the long, agonizingly boring, string of events that lead up to my ultimate social crash.


     "Mum, Lachlan stole the toy out of the cereal box when you said I could have it!"

     God, Darrien was such a cry baby. It's just a dumb decoder ring not the freaking holy grail.

     "Lachlan, please give your brother the toy. I mean honestly, you're about to start your first day of Junior year at a new school. Grow up a bit, love..." My mum said tiredly from the living room.

     I rolled my eyes and tossed the plastic crap to Darrien, who caught it and immediantly slipped it on his grubby little fingers. "Yes! Now I can finally decode the secret message on the box!" He reached for the box, but I took it out of his reach before he got a hold on it. "Give it here Lachlan! I want to see what the message is saying!" He shouted.

     "I'm pouring myself a bowl your brat! Calm down." When I was done pouring I gave him the box and he went to work decoding what the message said. But first, he had to slip on his glasses because he's as blind as a bat when he tries to read.

     I shook my head in annoyance and began to eat my cereal. It probably says 'Enjoy your box of delicious healthy cereal!' That's what they always say...

     When I was finished and washing my dish in the sink, my mum walked and took the dish from me so she could clean it herself.

     "What? Don't trust me using soap and a sponge?" I chuckled.

     She smiled and put the dish in the dish washer. "No no, love. I just want you to get your things ready for school." I nodded and made my way upstairs to my room to get all my stuff together. Yeah, it may have been a new school and seemingly strict as hell, but it's supposed to be the best school in America. My Mum heard about from one of her mates sons that attended the school. He said it was "Brilliant!" and "The best school in America with the best teachers and teaching techniques." After hearing that, my mum looked it up on the internet and found out that some famous scholors, writers, actors and actresses, and even some singers graduated from there. But the thing that most appealed to me about that school was their nationally acclaimed sports teams. The 'Royale Private School Crowns' were the best in the country, and me being a huge football fanatic, I really wanted to attend the school.

     The school has a Middle school wing for soon to be High Schoolers. That's the school my little brother Darrien is going to attend. I guess it'll be okay, I just hope he doesn't get into any trouble or become to annoying. Because that'll mean he'll be a loser and that'll ruin my reputation...

     If I get one. Ha! What am I kidding, I will!

     I packed all my books into my backpack and slung it over one shoulder as I began my descent back downstairs. When I got back into the kitchen, my mum was making our lunches.

     "Lachlan, Darrien, could you two go put your things in the car while I finish your lunches?"

     We both nodded and went outside to the car. It was a little cold but the weather man said that it would heat up by lunchtime.

     We tossed out bags in and waited for mum. While we waited I nudged Darrien and asked curiously,"What'd that dumb box say?" He shrugged and muttered,"Hope you enjoyed this box of delicious healthy cereal." I laughed a little and said almost to myself,"Thought so." My mum soon came out with out lunches in her hands. She handed them to us as we hopped into the car to drive to our new school.

     She got in,started the car, and we were off. I glanced over at Darrien who was almost jumping out of his seat with happiness,"I can't wait! This is going to be bloody awesome!" Our mum chuckled and replied back,"Mhm, I'm sure it will be. When I was your age, I didn't have the luxury of a brand new private school all the way in America."

     My Brother nodded and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned my head to look at him and said expressionlessly,"What Darrien?"

     He smirked and mocked,"I bet i'll be more popular than you!" I knit my eyebrows together and smiled a bit,"You really think so?" He nodded quickly and said,"I was the most popular kid last year in my 5th grade class. This year will be even better, i'm sure of it!"

     I laughed a bit and muttered as I began to look out the window,"Will see..."

     The rest of the ride was mostly quiet except for the occasional question from Darrien about the school and such. After about a 10 minute ride, we were finally here. We both got out of the car and gave our mum a kiss and a good-bye. When she drove off, Darrien looked around with a puzzled look on his face.

     "What's up?" I asked him.

     He looked around again and looked up at me,"Where do I go?" I pointed over towards 2 large double doors where younger kids were filing into. He gulped cautiously and looked back at me,"Can't I go in there with you Lachlan?" I shook my head saddly and he sighed loudly.

     "Okay...Well, i'll see you later than."

     I smiled and knelt down to give him a hug. "See you later, you little bugger." Darrien giggled and got free from my grip. "By Lachlan!" He shouted as he ran towards his doors. In a matter of seconds, he dissappeared in a crowd of unfamiliar faces.

     I looked the direction I was supposed to go. I guess it was my turn now. I took in a breath of air and began walking. Here's to my American life. I said to myself.

     When I walked through those double doors, nothing was ever going to be the same.

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